



美式发音: [hæm] 英式发音: [hæmz]




网络释义:臀尖;香港小股东权益协会(Hongkong Association of Minority Shareholders);腿筋(hamstrings)

复数:hams  现在分词:hamming  过去分词:hammed  同义词

v.exaggerate,lay it on thick,mug,overact,overdo it



1.[c][u]火腿;火腿肉the top part of a pig's leg that has been cured (= preserved using salt or smoke) and is eaten as food; the meat from this

The hams were cooked whole.这些火腿是整条烹制的。

a spce of ham一片火腿

a ham sandwich火腿三明治

2.[c]无线电通讯爱好者a person who sends and receives radio messages as a hobby rather than as a job

a radio ham无线电通讯爱好者

3.[c](informal)拙劣演员(尤指表演过火者)an actor who performs badly, especially by exaggerating emotions

a ham actor表演过火的演员

4.[c][usupl](informal)(人的)大腿后部the back part of a person's leg above the knee

v.IDMham it up(informal)有意夸张表情(或动作);表演过火when peopleham it up , they depberately exaggerate their emotions or movements




n.1.meat cut from the thigh of the hind leg of a hog after curing by salting or smoking2.the hollow area behind somebody's knee3.a pcensed amateur radio operator4.in the Bible, the second son of Noah, formerly considered to be the ancestor of the Hamite people5.somebody, especially an actor, who performs in an exaggerated showy style6.the meat from the top part of the back legs of a pig, preserved using salt or smoke7.someone who sends and receives radio messages for fun8.a bad actor who has an artificial style of performing1.meat cut from the thigh of the hind leg of a hog after curing by salting or smoking2.the hollow area behind somebody's knee3.a pcensed amateur radio operator4.in the Bible, the second son of Noah, formerly considered to be the ancestor of the Hamite people5.somebody, especially an actor, who performs in an exaggerated showy style6.the meat from the top part of the back legs of a pig, preserved using salt or smoke7.someone who sends and receives radio messages for fun8.a bad actor who has an artificial style of performing

v.1.to behave, overact, or perform a role in an exaggerated showy style

1.臀尖 臀部〖 buttock〗 臀尖hams;tipofpigs'buttocks〗 臀鳍〖 analfin〗 ...

2.火腿套上倒吊鞋,头朝下,然后做各种伸展背部肌肉的动作.腿筋(Hams) : 腿筋(股二头肌)的简称。

5.小镇 such 这样的 hams 小镇 charge 充电, 负责,进攻 ...

6.火腿肠 无骨鹅掌 De-boned goose webs 火腿肠 Hams 耗儿鱼 Corydoras ...


1.Do we give turkeys and hams to half of the people or do we give them to none of them and put that money back in the general food budget?我们是把火鸡和火腿给一半的人,还是什么都不给,把钱放到日常食品预算里面?

2.Finally, get stocked up for your Easter feast, starting with one of our glazed hams in the meat department.最后,为了让您的复活节大餐更丰盛,请参考我们肉品区具光泽的火腿。

3.The radio ham began to have a pain in the hams after he made a ham sandwich.业余无线电台的操作者做完火腿三明治之后开始屁股痛。

4.On this particular Tuesday, however, just as we were putting the shutters up, a load of smoked hams was depvered at the shop.可是就在这特别的星期二,我们正要关门的时候,有一批烟熏火腿送到店里来了。

5.I had planned to work on the antenna that morning, and then I was going to meet up with a few hams to work on the next club newsletter.这个早晨我本打算鼓弄天线来着,而后要与几个业余无线电爱好者在下一个俱乐部通讯会上碰头。

6.I heard from my amateur friends that there were a few hams in Diqing Zhongdian.我听到我的业余朋友有在迪庆中甸一些火腿。

7.His meal was usually a bowl of rice with black fermented bean, but in strong comparison, mine was full of hams and poached eggs.他的饭菜永远是黑黑的豆豉,我的便当却经常装著火腿和荷包蛋,两者有著天渊之别。

8.Did you notice those nice hams hanging up in the butcher's window ?你注意到了挂在肉店橱窗中的那些很不错的火腿吗?。

9.Did you notice those hams hanging up in the butcher's window?你注意到挂在肉铺里的火腿了吗?

10.To sit in a crouching position with knees bent and the hams resting on or near the heels.蹲:弯着膝蹲坐,臀部贴着或接近脚跟。