




1.交作业 eat some noodles( 吃面条) hand in the homework交作业) play football( 踢足球) ...

2.去办公室交作业 Go to the teacher’s office.Hand in the homework. 去办公室交作业。 Go to the playground.Play football. 去操场踢足球。 ...

3.交家庭作业 go to the teacher’s office 去老师的办公室 hand in the homework 交家庭作业 draw in the art room 在绘画教室里画画 ...

4.上交作业 ... 24. hand in the homework 上交作业 5. Turn left/right. 向左/右转 ...


1.Ask her to hand in the homework on time.叫她按时交作业。

2.I advised you that tomorrow is the last day to hand in the homework.我通知你明天是交作业最后一天

3.Water the flowers. Read a story-book. Eat some noodles. Hand in the homework. round. play football.去花园浇花。去书室看书看故事书。去饭馆吃面包。去教师办公室交作业。去操场踢球。

4.the homework was put in my handbag and I forgot to bring here, so tomorrow I hand in the homework.作业放我的包里了,我忘记带来了,所以,明天我再交作业吧。

5.Water the flowers. Read a story book. Eat some noodles. Hand in the homework. Play football.浇花。读故事书。吃面条。上交作业。踢足球。

6.I have told Miss Lin that I you and Jim didn't hand in the homework yesterday.我已经给林老师讲了,我你和吉姆昨天没有交作业。

7.Please hand in the homework assignments so I can get them done and grades submitted.请交上家庭作业,这样我就能批改完它们并递交你们的分数。

8.And you ought to hand in the homework in time.大家要及时上交作业。

9.Hand in the homework timely.及时交作业

10.Ought I to hand in the homework today?我应当在今天交上作业吗?