



美式发音: [ˈhænd(ə)l] 英式发音: ['hænd(ə)l]




复数:handles  现在分词:handling  过去式:handled  搭配同义词

v.+n.handle situation,handle problem,handle business,handle information,handle issue

adv.+v.handle skillfully,carefully handle,deftly handle,efficiently handle


v.touch,finger,control,deal with,manage




n.1.the part of a door or window that you use for opening it; the part of an object that you hold in your hand when you use it2.someones name

v.1.to take action in order to deal with a difficult situation; to be responsible for doing a particular job or piece of work; to be able to deal successfully with a large amount of work or information; to deal with the people or goods that pass through an airport, port, or other center; to deal successfully with a person who is likely to become angry or upset2.to touch or hold someone or something3.to buy and sell goods, especially illegally4.to control an animal or a vehicle using your hands; if a vehicle handles well or badly, it is easy or difficult to control1.to take action in order to deal with a difficult situation; to be responsible for doing a particular job or piece of work; to be able to deal successfully with a large amount of work or information; to deal with the people or goods that pass through an airport, port, or other center; to deal successfully with a person who is likely to become angry or upset2.to touch or hold someone or something3.to buy and sell goods, especially illegally4.to control an animal or a vehicle using your hands; if a vehicle handles well or badly, it is easy or difficult to control

1.处理 Guided 指引 Handled 处理 Headed 前进 ...

2.有把手的 有把手的 ansate 有把手的 handled 门把手 doorknob ...

3.有把柄的 ... Friday 星期五 handled 有把手的 , 有把柄的 justice 正义 ; 公正 , 合理 ...

4.已处理 Governed 支配,管理 Handled 处理,操作 Initiated 发起 ...

6.已经处理好了 ... CustomQueryInterfaceResult.Handled 已经处理好了,指针值保存在 CustomQueryInterfaceResult.Failed, 失败 …

7.中断被处理 ... IRQ_NONE,/* 此设备没有产生中断*/ IRQ_HANDLED,/* 中断被处理*/ IRQTF_RUNTHREAD,/* 线程中断处理*/ ...


1.The unit or organ that has accepted the matter shall notify the supervisory organ of how the matter has been handled.接受移送的单位或者机关应当将处理结果告知监察机关。

2.Indeed, given the ineptness with which it handled its affair, Dubai has come out of it surprisingly well.事实上,考虑到迪拜在处理自身事务上的糟糕表现,能有这样不错的结局相当令人吃惊。

3.If the completed construction project is not up to standard, the matter shall be handled according to Article 3 hereof.已经完成的建设工程质量不合格的,参照本解释第三条规定处理。

4.The case against Jones was thrown out within a week of it reaching court and Wenger admires the way the 52-year-old handled the situation.这件案子让琼斯在收到法院传票一周之内下课,温格欣赏这位52岁教练应付这个情况的方式。

5.He took out a long-handled squeegee, dipped it into the toilet and then used it to clean the mirror.他拿出一个长把的橡胶滚轴,把它浸在马桶里,然后用它擦拭镜子。

6.I'm most interested to test out the online play to see how the Wii handled ten systems connecting for a single game experience.而我最感兴趣的是体验线上玩法,看看Wii是怎样处理十个系统跟一个单一游戏的连接。

7.As you can see, after the wrapping of the ActiveX control is in place, the control can be handled just like any managed control.正如您所看到的,当ActiveX控件的包装准备就绪时,可以像处理任何托管控件那样处理该控件。

8.Must not be used on the external surface of any portable electronic product designed to be frequently handled or carried by the user.镍不可用在用户频繁抓取和携带的手提式电子产品的表层。

9.It is quite an extreme thing to do, so it had to be handled carefully, and people had to be talked through the procedure and idea.这是一件非常极端的事情,因此处理起来必须非常谨慎,人们必须要被告知整个过程和其中的理念。

10.He deferred to the TSA on whether the diplomat was appropriately handled but said he thought normal procedure had been followed.对于这位大使被搜身的行为是否得当,他遵从TSA的意见,但他说,他认为处理过程是符合正常程序的。