



美式发音: [ˈkiloʊ] 英式发音: [ˈkiːləʊ]

n.公斤;公里千米;同“kilolitre. &c”




n.1.公斤,千克2.公里千米3.同“kilolitre. &c”4.通讯中用以代表字母 k 的词1.公斤,千克2.公里千米3.同“kilolitre. &c”4.通讯中用以代表字母 k 的词

n.1.Same as kilolitre. &c2.a kilogram

1.千克 equip vt. 装备,配备 kilos n. 千克,公斤 recent a. 近来的 ...

2.公斤 equip vt. 装备,配备 kilos n. 千克,公斤 recent a. 近来的 ...

3.是重量单位公斤 ... Kasolite /ˈkæsəlait/ " 硅铅铀矿“ Kilos 是重量单位公斤 Kalas 是女子名 ...

4.五百公斤 You weigh 33 kilograms. 35公斤。 4 kilos 五百公斤 500 kilos 两公斤 ...


1.We need two kilos of apples and some salt. How much salt do we meed?我们需要两公斤的苹果还有一些盐巴。我们需要多少盐巴?。

2.Buck jumped at the man, sixty kilos of anger, his mouth wide open, ready to bite the man's neck.巴克以六十公斤的愤怒之躯扑向胖子。它的嘴大张着,要去咬断他的喉颈。

3.How much ham shall we get? Three kilos.我们要买多少火腿?三公斤。

4.What else can we tell about it from its bones? Its weight was more than 700 kilos, twice that of a grizzly bear today.从这些骨头中我们还能了解到什么呢?它的重量超过700公斤,是今天灰熊的两倍。

5.Then it took me until she was about a year-and-a-half before I lost the next 10 kilos.然后一直保持这个体重,直到她1岁半才减去了其余的10公斤。

6.Do you know I've put on 5 kilos since going out with you.你知道我开始和你约会以后增加了五公斤吗?

7.Chen and his wife fled to Thailand in 1999 after police seized more than 11-thousand kilos of methamphetamine in a storehouse in Guangzhou.警方1999年在广州一个仓库中查获了一万一千公斤冰毒后,陈炳锡夫妇逃往泰国。

8.Detectives suspect many more get through with a few kilos and a bribe.警探猜测更多人因携带量少及进行贿赂而得以通关。

9.Just the fuselage here , it's so light , It's not designed by an artist, but it could be . 50 kilos for the entire fuselage .只是机身这里,它是如此的轻,它不是由艺术家设计的,但完全可以。整个机身共50公斤重。

10."I lost 11 kilos and ruined my health trying to get this CDM project registered, " he says.“为了设法让这个CDM项目获得登记,我瘦了11公斤,而且健康受到损害。”他说。