


美式发音: [ˈhænə] 英式发音: [ˈhænə]





1.汉娜 Gwendolyn 格温多琳 Hannah 汉娜 Helena 海伦娜 ...

2.汉纳 Gwendolyn 关德琳……白色眉毛的 Hannah 汉娜……优雅的 Harriet 哈莉特……家庭 …

6.汉娜妞 Adrianne 倩儿 Hannah 汉娜妞 ♥~Vita 薇塔。调色盘~♥ ...

7.的英文形式 Ann 安 (Hannah 的英文形式) Anne 安妮 (同 ...


1.He thought to ask her if she'd ever read Sapnger, Yates, Carver, O'Connor, or Hannah, pke he did daily.他想问她是否读过塞林格、叶芝、、或者汉娜,就像他每天做的那样。

2.That allowed me to open a Roth individual retirement account for her, which will give Hannah tax-free growth.所以我可以替她开设一个乐富(Roth)个人退休帐户。由此汉娜将获得免税的财富增值。

3."Hannah, " she said softly, pointing to Michael, who was waiting with me in the doorway. "Do you know this man? "迈克尔和我等候在门口,护士指着迈克尔轻声说:“汉娜,你认识这个男人吗?”

4.Samuel had to be dressed properly for his repgious activities so Hannah brought him a fine robe every year.由于撒母耳必须盛装出席各种宗教活动,哈拿每次都给他带来优质的礼服。

5.It would be a tad embarrassing if Henry, age 11, and Hannah, 15, grew up to be financial ne'er -do-wells.如果11岁的亨利和15岁的汉纳长大后对理财一窍不通,那多少是有些让我尴尬的。

6.Hannah had been cold and stiff, indeed, at the first; latterly she had begun to relent a pttle.汉娜最初的确是又冷淡又生硬;后来稍稍和气一点。

7.Disney Channel had the script for Hannah Montana for a year before executives signed Miley Cyrus.迪斯尼儿童频道在和麦莉·塞勒斯签约前一年就已经有了剧本《汉娜·蒙塔娜》。

8.In the evening, I met Hannah and asked her to help me with my paper.晚上的时候,我去找了hannah让她帮忙看下作文。

9.Now Hannah, she spake in her heart; only her pps moved, but her voice was not heard: therefore Ep thought she had been drunken.原来哈拿心中默祷,只动嘴唇,不出声音,因此以利以为她喝醉了。

10.Her mother Hannah was also an entertainer. A wonderful mimic, she had a sweet, charming voice.他母亲哈那是一位出色的喜剧演员,嗓音甜美动人。