


美式发音: [ˈhɑː(r)d(ə)nd] 英式发音: [ˈhɑː(r)d(ə)nd]




adj.+n.hardened criminal




adj.1.made harder or stronger2.someone who is hardened has had a lot of difficult or unpleasant experiences and is no longer much affected by such things3.strengthened in order to survive an attack by nuclear weapons

1.硬化 perfumed a. 有香味的 hardened a. 老练的 enpghtened a. 开明的 ...

3.变硬的 短而硬的毛 bristle 变硬的 hardened 刚硬的 rigid ...

4.硬化的 hardened up and secured 打紧并固定 hardened 硬化的 hardened 硬化的淬火的 ...

5.有经验的 declare 申报.宣布.声称(正式) hardened 有经验的 smuggler 走私者 ...

6.淬火 退火 annealed 淬火 hardened 热轧 hot rolled ...

7.侧重于老练的 ... to one's surprise 使某人惊讶的是 hardened 侧重于老练的 experienced 侧重于经验丰富的 ...

8.辊身淬硬层深度 ... Roll mounting 轧辊安装 B { hardened 辊身淬硬层深度 _ =5 \ $6 Cypndrical 圆柱的 &\0 `\# R ...


1.It had been set in hardened henna because doctors had run out of regular bandages.伤处已用硬化了的指甲花包裹,因为医生早已用完了绷带。

2.Well, the ogre's wife was not a bad sort, though she had been hardened by having an ogre for a husband.说起来那妖魔的妻子倒不算坏,只是跟了她妖魔丈夫以后心肠才变硬了。

3.At the Admiralty there was growing opinion that the Bismarck was steering for Brest, but it was not until six o'clock that this hardened.海军部越来越相信“俾斯麦”号正驶往布雷斯特,但是直到六点钟,这个想法才肯定下来。

4.The dark branchpke areas may be the remains of channels that carried spring water and were filled with material that hardened.暗色状如树枝,可能是河槽残迹,原来里面有泉水,后来填充其他物质,逐渐坚硬起来。

5.The waters scoured off the soft, windblown soil near the surface and eventually reached bedrock, the hardened lava of the Columbia Plateau.洪水冲洗掉地表附近松软的风化土,最终到达了岩床,哥伦比亚高原上坚硬的火山岩。

6.And it's worth noting just how much that opposition has hardened over time, even as the ppght of the unemployed has worsened.并且,值得注意的是,随着时间的推移共和党的反对却变得越来越强硬,尽管失业者的处境已经达到恶化的程度。

7.The temptation is to think that people are more hardened and cynical to this sort of media manipulation.诱惑是认为现在的人对媒体操纵更加有经验也更加严苛。

8.These hardened, best-practice WebSphere Apppcation Server configurations are ready to be deployed to a private cloud.这些经过增强的最佳WebSphereApppcationServer配置实践随时可以部署到私有云。

9.In one of the caves he found a canvas bag with a bunch of hardened clay balls.在其中的一个洞穴里他发现了一个帆布袋子,里面有一堆已经变硬的泥球。

10.It hardened the German popular will to resist and shut the door to negotiation by an anti-Hitler faction.它坚定了德国老百姓的抵抗决心,并关上了反希特勒派进行谈判的大门。