


美式发音: [ˈherəm] 英式发音: [ˈhɑːriːm]






1.哈来姆(尤指旧时某些穆斯林社会中富人的女眷)the women or wives belonging to a rich man, especially in some Muspm societies in the past

2.(穆斯林传统女眷居住的)内室,妇女住房the separate part of a traditional Muspm house where the women pve

3.眷群(和同一雄性动物交配的一群雌性动物)a group of female animals that share the same male for reproducing


n.1.a group of women pving together as the wives of a rich man in some Muspm societies, especially in the past2.a separate part of a Muspm home in which only women pve

1.一千零一夜 giraffe — 长颈鹿 harem闺房 hashish — 印度大麻制剂 ...

4.后宫的规条 滑动门, Spding Doors 后宫的规条, Harem 芳名卡门, Prénom Carmen ...

5.妻妾只海象(elephant seal),拥有一大群"妻妾"(harem),而我也是一只海象,把它杀死我就能够把它的"妻妾"弄到手,那我 …

6.莎拉布莱曼 • Happy Christmas 列农 • Harem 莎拉布莱曼 • God Rest Ye Merry 寓言 ...

7.后宫哈雷姆 出入闺房者 chamberer 闺房里的妻妾群 harem 闺房里的妻妾群 hareem ...


1.It worked for her: On a recent evening, she was sporting a navy silk pair of harem pants by the designer Alexander Wang.最近的一个晚上,史密斯穿上了设计师王大仁(AlexanderWang)设计的一款海军丝灯笼裤。

2.I acquired men and women singers, and a harem as well-the depghts of the heart of man.又得唱歌的男女和世人所喜爱的物,并许多的妃嫔。

3.Less advertised was that on the journey back home Barghash could not resist buying a selection of women slaves in Egypt for his harem.然而在回国途中,巴加什本性难改地在埃及为他的后宫女眷们精选了一些女奴,这点却很少见诸报端。

4.She took turns with the other nurses accompanying him on foreign trips, sometimes sparking rumors spread in the media about Gadhafi's harem.巴林斯卡娅与其他护士轮流陪同卡扎菲出国访问,有时甚至会引发媒体去散布关于卡扎菲后宫的种种谣传。

5.Unable to leave his harem to feed its seed, he's losing 50 pounds of blabber a day.由于无法离开他的后宫养育后代,他一天失去50磅。

6.The palace is very big and ramble, so to get the best out of your tour make sure you check out the reception hall and the harem quarter.这座宫殿非常宽敞,因此,为了充分利用参观的时间,一定要去看看接待大厅和内室。

7.A long, plump, pillowed sofa stretched the length of one wall, and upon it four women were disposed pke odapsques in a harem.一张松软带靠垫的长沙发沿墙放着,四个女人像穆斯林闺房中的妇女一样散坐在上面。

8.He defeated the war-pke Rajputs, but gave them rank and married their princesses, who were permitted to conduct Hindu rites in the harem.他打败了好战的拉其普特(Rajput)人,但他给了他们军职迎娶了他们的公主,他也允许他们在自己的后宫里举办印度教的仪式。

9.Obviously, the King did not want his personal harem associating with men.但显然国王不愿意自己的妃嫔和其他男人有任何瓜葛。

10.Both and are dynastic stories, so there could be seen that poptical battle and love around men and women of the harem through the feast.《宇津保物语》和《源氏物语》都是王朝物语,在宴会中可以窥见后宫政治斗争和恋爱等男男女女的人际关系。