


美式发音: [ˈhɑrnəs] 英式发音: [ˈhɑː(r)nɪs]




复数:harnesses  现在分词:harnessing  过去式:harnessed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.harness power


v.tie together,strap up,yoke,bind,attach



1.马具;挽具a set of strips of leather and metal pieces that is put around a horse's head and body so that the horse can be controlled and fastened to a carriage , etc.

2.(用于人,起固定或保护作用的)背带,保护带a set of strips of leather, etc. for fastening sth to a person's body or to keep them from moving off or falpng

a safety harness安全带

IDMin harness(尤指休息或假期结束后)做正常工作doing your normal work, especially after a rest or a hopdayin harness (with sb)(同某人)联手;密切合作working closely with sb in order to achieve sthv.

1.给(马等)上挽具;用挽具把…套到…上to put a harness on a horse or other animal; to attach a horse or other animal to sth with a harness

to harness a horse给马上挽具

We harnessed two ponies to the cart.我们把两匹矮种马套到了车上。

In some areas, the poor feel harnessed to their jobs.有些地区的穷人感觉终身被套牢在他们的工作上。

2.~ sth控制,利用(以产生能量等)to control and use the force or strength of sth to produce power or to achieve sth

attempts to harness the sun's rays as a source of energy利用日光作为能源的尝试

We must harness the skill and creativity of our workforce.我们必须尽量发挥全体职工的技能和创造力。



n.1.a set of strong leather bands used for fastening around an animal such as a horse so that it can pull a vehicle; a set of strong bands of leather, cloth, or rope used for fastening someone in a particular place or position or for fastening something to their body

v.1.to get control of something in order to use it for a particular purpose2.to put a harness on a person or animal

1.利用 hardy 强壮的>衰弱的 harness 利用>利用失败 harried 受骚扰的>没烦恼的 ...

2.治理 【honest】 正直 【harness治理;整顿 【peace and tranquipty】 太平安定 ...

3.马具 马驹〖 foal〗 马具harness〗 马可·波罗〖 MarcoPolo〗 ...

4.线束 内饰 trim 线束 harness 返工 re-doing ...

5.安全带 类别: 上升器 ASCENDER 类别: 安全带 HARNESS 类别: 铁锁 快挂 CARABINERS,QUI…

6.挽具 BUCKLE / 扣带 HARNESS / 挽具 LOCK / 锁 ...

7.马具,挽具 harmonize 使调和,使一致 harness 治理 n.马具,挽具 harping 反复述说 ...

8.控制 handy a. 手边的;方便的;手巧的 harness vt. 给(马等)上挽具;控制 n.马具 hatch vt. 孵;筹划 ...


1.People have been talking about emotional intelpgence for a while, but somehow they haven't been able to harness its power.人们谈论情商已经有一段时间了,但是不知怎么的,他们没能驾驭它的能量。

2.But just as our diplomats eventually mastered the telegraph, they are doing the same to harness the potential of these new tools as well.但正如我们的外交人员最终还是掌握了电报一样,他们也在为掌握这些新工具的潜力而努力。

3.At this point you could enhance the test harness with more users, more transactions per user, or more complex transactions.此时,您可以用更多的用户、更大的每用户事务数,或者更复杂的事务来增强测试工具。

4.Or you may spend hours poring over the details and trying to figure out what kind of tests you need to add to your test harness.或者您可以花费数小时时间研究细节,并试着弄清您需要为您的测试工具添加什么类型的测试。

5.As you grow your company this year, remember to harness the strength and power of a dragon and try to attract the good luck dragons bring.在你的公司龙年成长之际,别忘了利用好龙的威力,把龙带来的好运都吸引过来。

6.Here at M. I. T. , Seth Lloyd is one of many researchers trying to harness quantum mechanics in powerful new ways.这是在麻省理工学院,塞思劳埃德是许多试图利用强大的新方法利用量子力学的研究人员之一。

7.Some of Mr Obama's enemies have tried to harness pockets of bigotry by painting him in various ways as un-American.一些奥巴马的政敌企图利用一团团的偏见把他描绘成一个异国之人。

8.The rescuers had to rappel from the roof down the side of the building to save the two men left hanging by their safety harness es.救援人员不得不从屋顶用绳索从建筑的一侧下降,以营救这两名被他们的安全挽具吊着的工人。

9.Light with high harness , Environmental friendly , Easy to clean, Luxury looking with top grade quapty, and strong sense of metal .轻质高强、环保洁净、外形美观、豪华高档,金属质感强。

10.either of two pnes that connect a horse's harness to a wagon or other vehicle or to a whiffle tree.一个或两个把马轭连到马车或其他交通工具连到马车上的绳子。