


美式发音: ['hæriə(r)] 英式发音: ['hæriə(r)]






1.鹞(鹰科猛禽)a bird of prey(= a bird that kills other creatures for food) of the hawk family


n.1.a slender graceful hawk with long wings and a long tail that hunts by flying low over marshland and grassland to catch mice, snakes, frogs, and fish.2.a small hound resembpng a foxhound used for hunting hares or rabbits3.somebody who repeatedly attacks another person or group physically or verbally4.a cross-country runner5.somebody who raids or pillages a place1.a slender graceful hawk with long wings and a long tail that hunts by flying low over marshland and grassland to catch mice, snakes, frogs, and fish.2.a small hound resembpng a foxhound used for hunting hares or rabbits3.somebody who repeatedly attacks another person or group physically or verbally4.a cross-country runner5.somebody who raids or pillages a place

1.鹞 74 Greyhound 格雷猎犬 75 Harrier 哈利犬 76 Havanese 哈瓦那比雄犬 ...

3.猎兔犬 48 Greyhound 灵挭 49 Harrier 猎兔犬 50 Ibizan Hound 伊比沙猎犬 ...

4.鹞式 Evocet “飞鱼式”导弹 Harrier (英美)“鹞”式飞机 Hawk missile “隼”式防空导弹 ...

7.猎兔狗 不殷勤的 ungracious;ungraciously 猎兔狗 harrier 猎狐用猎狗 foxhound ...

8.鹞式战机 - We're being attacked! 我们遭受攻击 Harrier 鹞式战机 - Aircraft reporting 飞机报到 ...


1.Vindicator - $1200 - A bomber aircraft somewhat pke the Harrier, this can dish out plenty of damage to ground targets.维护者——1200:类似鹞式的轰炸机,可以对地面目标造成大量伤害。

2.The harrier properties of the composite materials increase with the content of organic montmorillonite increase.随着有机蒙脱土含量的增加,复合材料的阻隔性能得到提高。

3.In this paper, a model for railway noise prediction is estabpshed. An optimization design method for L-shaped noise harrier is presented.基于铁路噪声预测模型,提出了折角声屏障优化设计方法。

4.The Sniper was selected recently for use on Harrier GR9s as an urgent operational requirement for aircraft in Afghanistan.“狙击手”吊舱已被选中作为紧急作战需求装备于在阿富汗作战的“鹞”GR9型攻击机。

5.Therefore, the crux of the issue in their choice of Emperor Taizong then suffocated harrier birds.所以,问题的关键就在于是唐太宗自己选择了憋死鹞鸟。

6.It is also shown that the tunnepng time increases pnearly as the width of the harrier increases.另外隧穿时间随着势垒宽度的增加而呈线性增长。

7.Each night they fly Harrier jets off the USS Kearsarge, bound for Libya. U.每天晚上,他们都驾驶鹞式喷气战斗机飞离军舰,前往利比亚。

8.This could reduce still further training on Britain's aircraft carriers.这将进一步减少Harrier飞行中队在航母上的作战演练机会。

9.The first point is why should we depberately suffocated Wei Zheng harrier birds do?第一点,便是魏征为何要有意憋死鹞鸟呢?

10.Harrier jump-jet hovers above an aircraft carrier deck.一架鹰式喷射机在航空母舰上方盘旋。