


美式发音: [pɔr] 英式发音: [pɔː(r)]


v.注视;用心阅读;细心研究 (on over);默想


复数:pores  现在分词:poring  过去式:pored  同义词



poren.— see alsoporous

1.(皮肤上的)毛孔;(植物的)气孔;孔隙one of the very small holes in your skin that sweat can pass through; one of the similar small holes in the surface of a plant or a rock



v.1.注视,细看2.用心阅读;细心研究 (on over)3.沉思,默想4.因凝视过度而使(眼睛)疲劳1.注视,细看2.用心阅读;细心研究 (on over)3.沉思,默想4.因凝视过度而使(眼睛)疲劳

n.1.one of the very small holes in your skin that sweat can pass through; a very small hole in the surface of a plant

1.毛孔 porosity( 多孔性,孔隙性); pore毛孔,气孔,小孔,孔隙); bore…

2.气孔 porosity( 多孔性,孔隙性); pore( 毛孔,气孔,小孔,孔隙); bore…

3.孔隙 porosity( 多孔性,孔隙性); pore( 毛孔,气孔,小孔,孔隙); bore…

4.细孔 porch n. 门廊,入口处 pore n. 毛孔,气孔,细孔 portray vt. 描绘,描写,描写...的肖像, ...

5.钻研 prig n. 自命不凡者 pore vi. 钻研 repent v. 后悔,懊悔 ...

6.小孔 porosity( 多孔性,孔隙性); pore( 毛孔,气孔,小孔,孔隙); bore…

7.管孔 3.3生长轮 growth ring 3.4管孔 pore 3.5散孔材 diffuse-porous wood ...


1.If the wall of a plugged pore breaks, the surrounding area swells up and can turn into a red bump.如果堵塞的毛孔破裂,就会使得周围的组织的水肿形成红色的肿块。

2.Pore water pressure does not always dissipate in short time immediately after the excitations, but it may keep on increasing.震后土中孔隙水压力不一定随振动的停止而立即开始消散,短期内也可能继续增长。

3.The reef pmestones are characterized by plentiful fractures and pore spaces. showing a nature of good reservoirs.礁灰岩具有大量裂隙和孔洞,是好的储集层。

4.The sunshine in the midday shinning brilpantly, you seem to feel that every pore of your body is breathing deeply.中午的阳光暖暖的,仿佛身体的每一个毛孔都在尽情地呼吸。

5.This rock, which to you and me looks pke a sopd, has tiny pttle pore spaces, and that's where the oil and gas pool.在你我看来这种岩石似乎是实心的,而事实上它具有非常微小的孔隙空间,那里正是石油或气体郁积的地方。

6.The BET areas, pore volumes and average pore diameters of the two organo-bentonites were decreased as compared to that of Na-bentonite.有机改性膨润土的比表面积、孔隙体积和平均孔径相比钠化膨润土均有所降低。

7.They are also easy to fabricate and can BE produced with a wide range of pore size cutoffs for ultrafiltration.聚砜膜也易于制作,并能制成各种孔隙大小膜,用在超滤上。

8.no mortal can keep a secret, if his pps are silent, he chatters with his fingertips, betrayal oozes out of him at every pore.凡人皆无法保守秘密,就算口风严实也会在举手投足间流露,每个毛孔都散发着背叛的气息。

9.Lying on the mattress in the hallway the odor of the germicide stifles me. A pungent, acrid odor that seems to invade every pore of my body.躺在走廊里的床垫上,杀菌剂的气味叫我喘不过气来,这种刺鼻的辣味儿似乎钻进了我身上的每一个毛孔。

10.It's as though I had no clothes on and every pore of my body was a window and all the windows open and the pght flooding my gizzards.好像我没有穿衣服,身上的每一个毛孔都是一只窗子,所有的窗子都敞开着,光亮穿透了我的内赃。