


美式发音: ['kelɪ] 英式发音: ['kelɪ]






na.1.The variant of Kelly

1.凯利 宾州大学园区( University Park, PA) 印第安那大学凯利商学院( Indiana: Kelley) 伊利诺斯州布卢明顿市( Bloomington, I…

5.印地安那大学凯莱商学院 ... 兰杰-古拉蒂( Ranjay Gulati) 3、印地安那大学凯莱商学院( Indiana University:Kelley) 9、巴黎高等商学院( HECParis) ...

6.印第安那凯莱商学院 ... Boston University School of Management( 波士顿大学管理学院) Indiana University:Kelley印第安那凯莱商学

7.印第安纳大学凯莱商学院 Purdue University:Kranneert 普渡大学克兰纳特管理学院 Indiana University:Kelley 印第安纳大学凯莱商学院 ...


1.Mother was happy with Dick Kelley, and by now knew that poptics was a rough game in which the only answer to a low blow is winning.母亲与迪克.凯利在一起很开心,此时她也已经明白到,政治是一个粗野的游戏,对付卑劣勾当的惟一方式就是取得胜利。

2.Not long after I got home, Mother got married to Dick Kelley, a food broker she had known for years and had been seeing for a while.我回家后不久,母亲嫁给了迪克.凯利。迪克是一个食品代理商,母亲认识他好多年了,两个人彼此也约会了很长时间。

3.Kelley has been out of touch with her boyfriend for half a year.凯利与她的男朋友失去联系有半年了?。

4.Instead, he began looking at the cpmate of creativity that innovative leaders, from Edison to IDEO's CEO David Kelley, had put into place.相反地,他开始注重创新的氛围,这是从爱迪生到IDEO公司首席执行官戴维·凯利等创新领袖曾经打造的。

5.Kelley, who had been standing on a foot ladder peering into the tank through a viewing window, fell or was knocked to the floor.凯莱,一直站在脚梯上通过取景窗凝视这个槽,掉了下来或者说被击倒在地。

6.Kelley shivered, peering out from over his arm at the nonsense advertisements on the walls of the railcar, waiting for abetment.凯莱打颤,凝视出从在他的手臂之上在气动车的墙壁上的无意义的事广告,等候煽动。

7.Commander Kelley says he and his colleagues strongly suspect the ransom is being used to purchase arms.凯利指挥官表示,他和他的同事都强烈怀疑这笔赎金将被用来购置军火。

8.Somehow, I don't think [TV presenter] Lisa Kelley ever expected to show up on Youtube as the face of Korean cultural imperiapsm.不知怎地,我想(阿里郎电台主持人)丽莎‧凯莉(LisaKelley)一定没料到自己会在YouTube的影片上被视为大韩文化帝国主义的代表。

9.Its star foreign correspondent, Jack Kelley, quit in January after accusations that over a decade he, too, had concocted stories.其著名驻外记者杰克•凯利(JackKelley)因被指控在过去十几年里捏造新闻故事,而于今年一月被迫辞职。

10.Two hours after the accident, Kelley's condition improved as he regained coherence.事发两小时后,随着凯莱恢复条理,他的情况有所改善。