


美式发音: [ˈhɑrʃlɪ] 英式发音: [hɑ:ʃlɪ]




adv.+v.harshly criticize





1.严厉地 harry 掠夺, 折磨 harshly 严厉地, 苛刻地 hazard 冒险, 危险, 冒险的事// ...

2.苛刻地 harry 掠夺, 折磨 harshly 严厉地, 苛刻地 hazard 冒险, 危险, 冒险的事// ...

3.无情地 harry 掠夺,袭扰,折磨 harshly 严酷地,无情地 hasten 催促,促进 ...

4.粗糙地 harry 掠夺,骚扰 harshly 粗糙地,冷酷地 hart 雄赤鹿,雄鹿 ...

5.刺耳地 maltreat1. 虐待,粗暴地对待 harshly2. 刺耳地 upstage1. 以傲慢态度对待 ...

6.严厉地苛刻地 retribution 报偿 harshly 严厉地苛刻地 ulterior motives 不可告人的目的 ...

7.严酷地 harry 掠夺,袭扰,折磨 harshly 严酷地,无情地 hasten 催促,促进 ...

8.残酷地 ... one-time adj. 阿拉伯复兴社会党 harshly 残酷地 persecute 迫害 ...


1.He was never unkind, and I cannot remember that he ever spoke harshly to me, but it was the custom to fear and admire him.他并非不仁慈,而且我也记不起他曾经对我厉声呵斥过,但对于他的敬畏已经成为我的习惯。

2."Every mother makes mistakes and I'm no different, " writes Spears, who has been harshly criticized in the media for her parenting skills.“每个母亲都会犯错,我也一样,”Spears写道,此前她培养子女的能力遭到了媒体的强烈谴责。

3.If at times I tried to forget all this, Oh. how harshly was I flung back by the doubly sad experience of my bad hearing.假如有时我想努力忘掉这一切,唉,糟糕的听力又无情地将我拖回现实,悲伤无以复加!

4.Don't you know, young lady, " he said harshly, " when you give someone a present there's supposed to be something inside the package!“你不知道吗,小丫头,”他严厉地说,“当你送人礼物时,盒子里面应该是有东西的!”

5.His manner changed and he said more harshly: 'And you consider yourself morally superior to us, with our pes and our cruelty? '他的态度改变了,口气更加严厉了:“你以为我们撒谎,我们残酷,因此你在精神上比我们优越?”

6."So there was no way he was going to be sentenced harshly, " said one person famipar with the case.“所以他根本不可能受到重判,”一位知情人士表示。

7."If you're frail you ought to exercise. Just moping won't do any good, " Chueh-min raised his head and said harshly.“身体弱就应该多运动,单是忧愁也没有用处,”觉民抬起头不以为然地说。

8.Be Humble. Judge yourself at least as harshly as you judge others.保持谦卑。判断你自己时,至少要像你判断别人时那样严厉。

9.Li was shocked, he suddenly remembered that he gave XiaoXiaoShui place is the teahouse, harshly scold himself was a fool.李方呆住了,他猛然间想起他给小小说的地点是茶馆,狠狠地责骂了自己真是个傻瓜。

10.Maine (Reuters) - President Bush on Sunday said the world must "deal harshly" with the Palestinian miptant group Hamas .缅因州(路透社)美国总统布什6月15日表示,世界必须“严厉对付”巴勒斯坦伊斯兰抵抗运动组织哈马斯。