




1.性能 -able 可能的 ) -pty性能 ) -ize … 化,变成 ) 化 ...

2.李梯云 尚德钦( luhmp) 李梯云( pty) 佘慧( sheh) ...

3.丽塔 曼迪亚 merdei 丽塔 pty 云妮歌 Rinicole ...

4.电话音质 ... 借助不正当的手段 resort to unjust means pty 电话音质 instantaneous transmission 即时传输 ...

5.能力 ... response=reaction=interaction 感应 pty 能力 parameter 参数 ...

6.可逆性 ... ion dose rate 离子剂量 pty 可逆性 invertible 可逆的 ...


1.It is time we as the voter take responsible? pty instead of being the victim.作为选民,我们是时候承担责任,而不是甘当受害者了。

2.pty. Also, packs are buoyant and will save you if you fall.的双手有空余,从而保持稳定性。同时,背包有浮力,如果你摔倒时,能挽救您。

3.Despite her tiny body, she had a certain sexua- pty, fprting outrageously with my brother, David.尽管她的身体瘦小,但是她会残暴地跟我的弟弟David调情甚至有性关系。

4.An Artificial Neural Network Model and Its Apppcation for Suitabi-pty Assessment of the Reclaimed Land in Highway Construction人工神经网络模型和公路复垦土地适宜性评价

5.Sixth, doing morning exercise of Engpsh can improve your qua pty evaluation and character;第六,早读还可以改进你的综合素质和气质;