


美式发音: [mutʃ] 英式发音: [muːtʃ]



第三人称单数:mooches  现在分词:mooching  过去式:mooched  同义词




1.[i]+ adv./prep.溜达;闲逛to walk slowly with no particular purpose; to be somewhere not doing very much

He's happy to mooch around the house all day.他就愿意在家里闲待着。

2.[i][t]~ (sth) (off sb)白吃(或用等);要别人白给(金钱、食物等)to get money, food, etc. from sb else instead of paying for it yourself

He's always mooching off his friends.他总是向朋友讨钱花。

v.1.〈俚〉鬼鬼祟祟地走(along);打转儿;荡来荡去,徘徊 (around, round)2.〈美俚〉揩油;招摇撞骗,讹诈;偷偷拿走;偷取;索取

v.1.to ask someone to give you something instead of paying for it yourself. The British word is cadge.

1.揩油 ... Mean Spirited 情绪低落 Mooch 揩油 Natural Cook 天生厨子 ...

2.揩油高手 Mean Spirited 坏心下流 Mooch 揩油高手 Natural Cook 天生的厨师 ...

3.鬼鬼祟祟地走 pauper n. 贫民,乞丐 mooch v 闲荡,鬼鬼祟祟地走,乞讨,诈取 schnorrer n 乞丐 | ...

4.强行讨取 ... intrude 强行侵入 mooch 强行讨取 deforce 强行占有 ...

5.闲荡 pauper n. 贫民,乞丐 mooch v 闲荡,鬼鬼祟祟地走,乞讨,诈取 schnorrer n 乞丐 | ...

6.偷偷拿走 steal v. 偷, 窃取, 偷窃, 偷盗 mooch vt. 偷, 偷偷拿走 thieve v. 偷 ...

7.索取 ... mien n. 仪表;神态;风采;样子 mooch vt. <美,俚>索取;逛;闲荡;闲着 mood n. 心情;语气;气氛;坏心境 ...

8.流浪 moo-cow 牛 mooch 流浪 moocher 闲逛者 ...


1.Your repgious donations fund freeloaders who mooch off society but who generally provide pttle or no value in return.你的捐款养活了那些在社会上游手好闲,而对社会几乎没什么回报的吃白食的人。

2.It is not means-tested, so old people who previously paid for their own drug coverage have an incentive to mooch off the taxpayer instead.这一政策实施之前并没有对老年人作生活状况的调查,因此预付了自己药品保证金的老年人就有了换而讹诈纳税人的诱因。

3.I feel sick of those who mooch off others.我最讨厌跟别人要钱的人了。

4.I don't want any handouts. I don't mooch off anyone.我不需要施舍,我不想向别人低头。

5.If you behave badly, you have nobody to depend on but your parents left to mooch off.如果你行为不正,除了揩你父母的油水外,你没有任何人可以依赖。

6.On May 11th "the Mooch" took the stage to welcome around 1, 500 people to the SkyBridge Alternatives (SALT) conference in Las Vegas.五月十一日,Mooch登台欢迎1500人参加于拉斯维加斯举行的SkyBridge替代(SALT)会议。

7.That doesn't mean you mooch off of other people.这并不意味着你占了他们的便宜。

8.At what point does a friend become a mooch ? It's a matter of frequency.到什么样的程度才可以说一个朋友变成一个贪小便宜的人呢?这其实是个频繁度的问题。

9.I feel sick of those who mooch off others. o; f我最讨厌跟别人要钱得人了。