



美式发音: [ˈheɪs(ə)n] 英式发音: ['heɪs(ə)n]



第三人称单数:hastens  现在分词:hastening  过去式:hastened  搭配同义词

v.+n.hasten decpne,hasten recovery,hasten process,hasten development,hasten trend

v.hurry,make haste,rush,speed up,speed



v.1.to make something happen sooner or more quickly2.to go somewhere in a hurry

1.忙不迭并忙不迭(Hastened)地找寻南美兴起之因和欧洲(Europe)萧条之谜。但八进四一拼刺刀,淋过雨的空气, 疲倦了的伤心,我记 …


1.She then hastened away to her mother, who had purposely broken up the card party, and was sitting up stairs with Kitty.于是她连忙到母亲那儿去,只见母亲已经特地散了牌场,跟吉蒂坐在椅上。

2.Jude hastened on, and soon had the pleasure of observing a man in a black coat and a black slouched felt hat no considerable distance ahead.裘德步子加快往前追,一会儿就瞧见前头没多远有个男人,身穿黑外套,头戴黑呢帽,帽檐耷拉着。

3.Although drawn downwards by the heavy weight which hastened his rapid descent, it seemed to him as if the fall lasted for a century.有重物拖着他,加快了他下降的速度,但他仍觉着下落的时间似乎持续了一百年。

4.I hastened to turn on the pghts and general fire bright room have nothing, but next door jiao room but came the voice of weeping faintly.我赶忙开灯,通火透亮的房间里什么都没有,而隔壁阿娇的房间却传来隐约哭泣的声音。

5.She hastened to wipe the soap bubbles off her hands with her apron, tidied up her hair, and greeted him with a beaming smile.秀嫂赶忙用围裙擦了擦手上的肥皂泡,把散落在额头上的碎发弄巴实,满面笑容上前迎客。

6.He hastened with, the weeping child and as he reached the home he sat down and said, "I have something here that will comfort you. "他急忙跟着那啼哭的孩子赶去,到了那里,他坐下来说道:“我这儿有点东西能安慰你”。

7.While Babbitt watched him anxiously he snapped, "come on, let's get out of this, " and hastened down the wharf, not looking back.巴比特急切地望着他,他说:“走吧,咱们离开这里。”然后头也不回,匆匆走下码头。

8.and then hastened to shew both letters to her daughters, that she might be secure of their approbation before her answer were sent.然后,她急忙将两封信拿给女儿们看,以便在发信前先征得她们的同意。

9.Say: "If what ye would see hastened were in my power, the matter would be settled at once between you and me. "你说:“假若我能主持你们要求早日实现的刑罚,那末,我与你们之间的事情,必定被判决了。”

10.Accordingly, when he came out he was glad to see the lobby clear, and hastened toward the stairs.因此,当他出来时看见门厅里空无一人,心里很高兴,赶忙奔向楼梯。