


美式发音: 英式发音: ['heɪstɪlɪ]





adv.hurriedly,quickly,fast,at speed,speedily



1.匆忙地 hasten 促进 hastily 匆忙地 hasty 急忙的 ...

2.草草 草本植物[ herb] 草草[ hastily;carelessly;roughly] 草测[ prepminary survey] ...

3.仓促地 abopsh vt. 废除 hastily 仓促地 huddle n. 小型碰头会 ...

4.急速地 hasty,adj. 匆忙的,慌忙的 hastily,adv. 急速地,慌忙地 sensible,adj. 有感觉的,明智 …

5.慌忙地 hasty,adj. 匆忙的,慌忙的 hastily,adv. 急速地,慌忙地 sensible,adj. 有感觉的,明智 …

6.急忙,匆忙 十分贫困,窘迫〖 verypoor〗 急忙,匆忙hastily;hurriedly〗 快,迅速〖 quick;fast〗 ...


1.The young girl had hastily thrust down her dress, with a divinely troubled motion, but he was none the less angry for all that.那姑娘以一种天仙似的羞恼动作,连忙把裙袍拂下去,但是他并没有因此而息怒。

2."I am afraid it is all she has to worry over nowadays, " she said hastily, the moment they had joined her.“恐怕现在她操心的就这些了,”他们一赶上她,芭特莱特小姐就急忙说。

3.Hastily, Scarlett ran back down and after a bit of explaining, Sky loaded Brayden into the backseat of the car.草草收场,斯佳丽跑了回去,有点解释后,天空装入汽车的后座布雷登。

4.Mrs Brooks, thinking that the speaker was coming to rush out of the door, hastily retreated down the stairs.布鲁克斯太太以为苔丝要冲出门来,就急忙回到楼下去了。

5.How much more can Spring bear of wind and rain? Too hastily 'twill leave again.更能消、几番风雨,匆匆春又归去。

6.A new media law (pke the bank levy, produced hastily and with no consultation) was particularly alarming.一部新的新闻法(就像银行税,被迅速炮制并且不加讨论)就敲响警钟。

7.'She can't explain it, ' said the Gryphon hastily. 'Go on with the next verse. '“她解释不了,”鹰头狮急忙说,“背下一段吧。”

8.He said he had quit, but then hastily added that he occasionally fell off the wagon.他先说自己已经戒烟,但马上又补充说他偶尔也会烟瘾复发。

9.'Just a Get Well card, ' said Hermione hastily, trying to poke it out of sight, but Ron was too quick for her.“一`张`问候卡。”赫敏赶忙说,想把它塞进去,不想让他们看。可是罗恩出手比她快得多。

10.She hastily struck a whole bundle of matches because she did so long to keep her grandmother with her.小女孩急忙点燃整把的火柴,因为她多么渴望留住奶奶。