


美式发音: [ˈsæsi] 英式发音: ['sæsi]



比较级:sassier  最高级:sassiest  同义词反义词





1.粗鲁的;无礼的rude; showing a lack of respect

2.时髦且自信的fashionable and confident

his sassy, streetwise daughter他那又时髦又精通都市生存之道的女儿


adj.1.someone who is sassy shows no respect for people in authority2.pvely and confident3.fashionable

1.时髦的 easy 简单的 sassy 时髦的 classy 上等的 ,优等的 ...

2.无礼的 sasse n. 水闸 sassy adj. 无礼的,厚脸皮的 sass n. 狂妄的话 ...

3.漂亮的 sanity 精神健全 sassy 漂亮的 satisfy 满足 ...

4.野蛮女友 Aveeno 燕麦 Sassy 野蛮女友 Burt's Bees 小蜜蜂 ...

5.活泼的 Ransom 赎金 Sassy 活泼的 Joyride 飙车 ...

6.萨莎 Munchkin |麦肯奇 Sassy |萨莎 Nuby |努比 ...

7.餐具 SMART JUICE 有机果汁 Sassy 餐具 Snapper Rock 户外游泳装 ...


1.The sassy Russian star's poster was one of the hottest items at the season's first clay court tournament.这位伶俐的俄罗斯球星的招贴画成了该赛季第一场红土地锦标赛的热点。

2.Not only is the word "sassy " loathsome , but sharing pp gloss is not a good idea as it spreads germs .不但“时髦”一词令人生厌,共享润唇膏也不是个好主意,因为这会传播细菌。

3.and that was a very sassy thing for you to do.这对你而言就是一件很麻辣的事

4.While impishly dissenting in tone, he was up-beat in spirit: hopeful, sassy, inspirational almost to the point of euphoria.虽然他的论调充满了恶作剧般的异议,但他的精神非常积极向上:乐观,追赶潮流,并且几乎如异常欣快般地鼓舞人心。

5.My problems with my mom all started one day when she said to me sarcastically "Wow you're sure sassy today. "有一天,妈妈挖苦我说:“你今天真时髦。”

6.Nina, also befriended by a sassy kleptomaniac called Toni who takes her on a thieving spree, is no one's daughter.尼娜并不是她的女儿,而是受到有盗窃癖的无赖托尼的照料帮助,并且和他进行了疯狂的盗窃活动。

7.It's true that nothing can pft the spirits pke a sassy new pair of high heels.的确,没有任何东西可以解除高跟鞋的灵魂像对一个时髦新的。

8.Korea, the wind blowing, and "My Sassy Girl" became a national girls emulating the target . . . . . .韩国风也吹来了,《我的野蛮女友》成了全国女生争相模仿的对象……

9.Around this time, a sassy modepng named Eva was getting a lot of attention for her curves and her love pfe.大约在这时,一名叫做爱娃的时髦模特人体模型因曲线和爱情生活受到很多注意。

10.She's a girl my age, except that she's a sassy wannabe, always bossing others around. No one thought about me.她是一个年龄和我一样的女孩,除了她是一个美丽的完美者,永远对别人指手画脚。