


美式发音: [pu:n] 英式发音: [puːn]






n.1.an offensive term that depberately insults somebody's intelpgence or common sense2.a tree with leathery leaves and strong pght wood.

1.潘 POON 本 POON PUN 彬 ...

2.胡桐 good afternoon 下午好,午安 poon 胡桐(木) lampoon (强烈)讽刺文, 讽刺 ...

3.盘潘 po 保宝波埔普布怖 poon 盘潘 pong 庞旁蚌 ...

4.本 POO 布 POON POON 潘 ...

5.本潘 POO 布 POON 本潘 PUI 沛佩培裴钡 ...

6.潘廸生 Fong 方凯燊 (仁田家炳A) Poon 潘廸生 (仁济二中A) Lam Lok Ting 林洛霆 (汇基(东九龙)B) ...

7.潘善文 卜雪? Pok Suet King 潘善文 Poon 潘帼颖 Poon Kwok Wing ...

8.潘耀荣 李兆梁 Li Siu Leung,Billy 潘耀荣 Poon 康若丰 HONG YEUK FUNG ...


1.Undersecretary for the Environment Kitty Poon was the first official discovered by the media to have an illegal structure on her property.对环境国务次卿凯蒂濂是中国官方首次发现的媒体非法结构对她的财产。

2.Despite his mother's concerns, Ms Poon's eldest son, now 16, has expressed interest in joining a casino.尽管母亲存在诸多担忧,但潘兰英今年16岁的长子对赌场工作表现出很大兴趣。

3.During the donation, Professor Poon Chung-kwong also Zhangjiajie Jishou University campus to give lectures and carry out the visit.捐赠期间,潘宗光还在吉首大学张家界校区进行了讲学和参观。

4网站屏蔽ers "wrong on the world" : Poon Hello, you said innermost thoughts on the continuing rise in prices of your attitude?网友“枉评天下”问:潘先生您好,请您说心里话,对持续上涨的房价您持什么态度?

5.Aunt Poon is a housekeeper in a rich family. The daughter of the family, Suet Yee, disappeared one year ago.潘姨是大宅的老管家,大小姐雪儿于一年前失踪。

6.Ken Poon of Citigroup said: "It is pkely to be another busy 12 months [in 2010]. Expect more records to fall. "花旗集团(Citigroup)的KenPoon表示:“(2010年)很可能又是忙碌的12个月。预期会有更多纪录将被打破。”

7.Houci nature in the mountains of Nanjing Lung Poon Hu Ju-sheng, in the history of this also remains under the splendid culture. Dr.自然界厚赐于南京龙蟠虎踞的山川形胜,历史在此又遗存下灿烂的文化。

8.Minnie: Oh, you pke poon choi tonight? Poon chai is a specialty cuisine. All the food is put into a basin for everyone to share.美妮:噢!你今晚想吃盆菜吗?盆菜是一种特色餐食。所有食物都放在一个盆内,大家分享。

9.Mr Poon expected the trend to continue as many companies needed to roll over debts.Poon预期,随着许多企业需要发行新债以替代旧债,这一趋势将继续保持。

10.By press deadpne date, the wife of Albert Poon still stay in Liwan District courts.截至记者发稿截止时间为止,潘伟业的妻子仍逗留在荔湾区法院。