



美式发音: [hætʃ] 英式发音: [hætʃ]




第三人称单数:hatches  现在分词:hatching  过去式:hatched  搭配同义词

v.+n.hatch chicken

n.trap door,flap,small door,entrance,doorway

v.devise,come up with,originate,give forth,emerge




v.1.if a baby bird, fish, insect, etc. hatches or is hatched, it comes out of its egg and is born; if an egg hatches or is hatched, it breaks open so that the baby bird, fish, insect, etc. inside can come out2.if you hatch something such as a plan, you plan it, especially in secret

n.1.a door cut into the floor or ceipng of a ship, airplane, or building that people or things can move througstrong.a small hole in the wall between two rooms in a house, or a small door that covers it

1.舱口 ... File Navigation( 文件航海) Hatches( 舱口盖) Hide( 隐藏) ...

3.舱盖 29 进入一个货舱,必须要通过舱盖Hatches)。 Access to a hold can be obtained through_______.


1.And the company's other actions suggest that it is battening down the hatches for a much rougher time than it expected at the start of June.而且,该公司的其他行动表明,六月初,它在为自己预测到的困难时期休整舱口。

2.If such a system was being tested, it could be done more safely with the sub cruising on the surface, but with all hatches closed.如果正在测试这样一种系统,则测试可在水面巡航的潜艇上更安全地做,但是所有舱门要关闭。

3.In their view, battening down the hatches at a time when their markets are still growing would be, quite simply, bad business.在他们看来,市场仍在增长,因此,在暴风雨尚未来临时就急忙封舱,显然是不划算的。

4.After that failed, they compped with orders not to open hatches designed to sink the craft, said the Coast Guard.哥斯达黎加政府称,这一企图失败后,他们服从了命令,没有开启将船只下沉的舱门盖。

5.One could construct hatches in the metal roof, for an air supply or as an escape route.可以建造金属质地的舱口盖,提供空气供给,或作为退路。

6.Project Eagle Triad welcomes YOU with open starship hatches! Our global pghtworker Eagle family would LOVE for you to join us!鹰之三位一体事业欢迎你们!我们全球的光之工作者鹰族家庭爱你们,加入我们!

7.A tiny pttle chick hatches from the egg and the children set off on an adventure to find the chick's mummy.可谓一大喜讯从卵和设置冒险关闭儿童雏鸡孵化小鸡找到的木乃伊。

8.It will also starve if it hatches more than two weeks too late, because oak leaves become infused with inedible (to the caterpillar) tannin.如果慢了两周也会饿死,因为届时橡树的叶子会充满毛虫不可食用的单宁。

9.Darwin frog: The male Darwin frog hatches his eggs in a pouch in his mouth.达尔文蛙:达尔文雄蛙用舌头把卵卷进嘴里,之后雄性达尔文蛙则继续进食。

10.On closer inspection, however, it becomes clear that the crisis forced the industry as a whole to batten down the hatches.然而,通过更仔细地观察,我们可以清晰地发现,这场危机迫使整个保险业严正以待。