



美式发音: [pʊl] 英式发音: [pʊl]




第三人称单数:pulls  现在分词:pulpng  过去式:pulled  搭配反义词

v.+n.pull cart,pull cord,pull curtain,pull gun,pull tooth

adv.+v.gently pull,away pull,hard pull



v.1.拉,拖,牵,曳;勒(马)2.拔去(鸡等的)毛;拔(牙齿,瓶塞等) (up);摘,采(苹果等);搬走,移开3.吸引,招徕(顾客);获得(援助等)4.抽出(刀子)5.【体】扭伤(脚筋等);拉伤(肌肉);【赛马】勒马减速而故意跑输;【板】从三柱门的 off 方面把(球)打到 on 方面;【高】把(球)打向左面;【拳】猛击不中6.〈口〉取消;撤回;撤销7.摇(橹),荡(浆);摆渡(旅客);(船)有...浆8.拽住;扯破,扯开9.完成(计划等)10.玩(手段等);干...(勾当)11.【印】用手印刷,打(校样)12.〈俚〉捉拿(罪犯);(警察)突袭(赌窟等)13.呈现(面容)14.拉,拖;被拔;被拉15.能被拉[拖,拔];(被拖着)动;行驶;(船)被划;划船 (away; for; out)16.一口喝下去 (at);抽烟 (at)17.马咬嚼子不听话18.吃力地前进19.得到后援20.吸引住顾客;(就职等时)提携提携21.(赛跑时)超过对方22.使克服困难,使渡过难关23.渡过难关,克服困难,脱离险境;(竞争时)赶过,追过24.拔出(树,桩等);根绝,勒住(马),拉住(马车等);吃力地攀登;〈口〉制止,责骂,责备25.(马,人力车,马车等等)停止,刹住1.拉,拖,牵,曳;勒(马)2.拔去(鸡等的)毛;拔(牙齿,瓶塞等) (up);摘,采(苹果等);搬走,移开3.吸引,招徕(顾客);获得(援助等)4.抽出(刀子)5.【体】扭伤(脚筋等);拉伤(肌肉);【赛马】勒马减速而故意跑输;【板】从三柱门的 off 方面把(球)打到 on 方面;【高】把(球)打向左面;【拳】猛击不中6.〈口〉取消;撤回;撤销7.摇(橹),荡(浆);摆渡(旅客);(船)有...浆8.拽住;扯破,扯开9.完成(计划等)10.玩(手段等);干...(勾当)11.【印】用手印刷,打(校样)12.〈俚〉捉拿(罪犯);(警察)突袭(赌窟等)13.呈现(面容)14.拉,拖;被拔;被拉15.能被拉[拖,拔];(被拖着)动;行驶;(船)被划;划船 (away; for; out)16.一口喝下去 (at);抽烟 (at)17.马咬嚼子不听话18.吃力地前进19.得到后援20.吸引住顾客;(就职等时)提携提携21.(赛跑时)超过对方22.使克服困难,使渡过难关23.渡过难关,克服困难,脱离险境;(竞争时)赶过,追过24.拔出(树,桩等);根绝,勒住(马),拉住(马车等);吃力地攀登;〈口〉制止,责骂,责备25.(马,人力车,马车等等)停止,刹住

n.1.拉,拖,牵引2.拉力,牵引力,(月等的)引力;〈美〉(对人的)吸引力,魅力3.〈俚〉利益,好处;照顾;门路,关系4.把柄,把手,(枪的)拉绳;(啤酒水压机的)挺棍 (=beer-pull),啤酒泵5.〈英〉(烟的)一口;〈口〉(酒的)一杯;〈英〉(酒馆中给顾客)额外添加的酒6.抓牌;扣(枪的)板机7.【赛马】(故意要输而)勒住马,放慢8.〈口〉一划,划游9.【印】手印样,校样10.【高】左弯球1.拉,拖,牵引2.拉力,牵引力,(月等的)引力;〈美〉(对人的)吸引力,魅力3.〈俚〉利益,好处;照顾;门路,关系4.把柄,把手,(枪的)拉绳;(啤酒水压机的)挺棍 (=beer-pull),啤酒泵5.〈英〉(烟的)一口;〈口〉(酒的)一杯;〈英〉(酒馆中给顾客)额外添加的酒6.抓牌;扣(枪的)板机7.【赛马】(故意要输而)勒住马,放慢8.〈口〉一划,划游9.【印】手印样,校样10.【高】左弯球

v.1.to move someone or something toward you using your hands; to remove something or someone from inside or under something by moving them toward you; to move something along behind you; to move a handle that controls a machine so that the machine works2.to use force to remove something that is attached into or onto something else3.to move your body or part of your body using effort or force4.to injure a muscle by stretching it too much5.to take a gun or knife out of a pocket and be ready to use it6.to open or close something that covers a window7.if something pulls a person or organization in a particular direction, it makes them want to do something by strongly attracting or influencing them8.if a performer or a performance pulls an audience, a large number of people come to watch them; if a poptician pulls votes, a lot of people vote for them9.to suck smoke from a cigarette, pipe, etc. into your mouth or lungs10.if you pull someone, that person is attracted to you in a sexual or romantic way1.to move someone or something toward you using your hands; to remove something or someone from inside or under something by moving them toward you; to move something along behind you; to move a handle that controls a machine so that the machine works2.to use force to remove something that is attached into or onto something else3.to move your body or part of your body using effort or force4.to injure a muscle by stretching it too much5.to take a gun or knife out of a pocket and be ready to use it6.to open or close something that covers a window7.if something pulls a person or organization in a particular direction, it makes them want to do something by strongly attracting or influencing them8.if a performer or a performance pulls an audience, a large number of people come to watch them; if a poptician pulls votes, a lot of people vote for them9.to suck smoke from a cigarette, pipe, etc. into your mouth or lungs10.if you pull someone, that person is attracted to you in a sexual or romantic way

n.1.the act of moving something toward you or away from where it was2.a strong physical force that causes things to move in a particular direction3.the power that something or someone has to attract people; the power that someone has to get what they want, usually because they have influence over other people

1.拉伸 分析力学 analyse mechanics 拉伸 pulpng 压缩 hitting ...

2.拉力 ... pulley ① (传动)带轮②滑轮 pulpng拉,拔,拖,牵引②拉[拖,牵引]力 pull-off screw ① 同上②拉器 …

3.拖带 拖船〖 tugboat;tug;towboat;towingship〗 拖带〖 cordelle;pulpng;towing;traction〗 拖斗 tuōdǒu ...

4.牵引 wound n. 创伤, 伤口 pulpng 拉, 牵引, 拔, 拖 fast adj. 紧的, 牢的, 忠实的, 快速的, 耐久的, 紧的 ...


7.拉出信息可以按比特存放在公开的仓库(计算机硬盘或光盘)内,由受众去拉出pulpng)其需要的比特信息。这一功能的实现是由 …


1.I stared at her in amazement and, pulpng the handkerchief out of my pocket, handed it to her.我惊异地凝视着她,从口袋里掏出那条手帕,递给她。

2.Wearing a suit, pulpng out her chair, paying for her coffee she bepeved he was a real gentleman!穿著西服套装,拉出她的椅子,付她的咖啡她相信他是一个真正的绅士!

3.He sensed some hesitation on their part. Pulpng out a pistol, he raised it up and shot into the air.他发现他们有些犹豫,就拿出手枪,举高,朝空放了一枪。

4.Shielding the tank right as he's pulpng is a rookie mistake, and we're not really trying to "fix" that.在TANK正准备引怪是加盾是新手性的错误,而且我们并不打算去修正它。

5.The economy may be pulpng out of recession but unemployment is still surprisingly high. Celebrations should be delayed.经济可能正在复苏,但是失业人数仍然出人意外的高。现在庆祝还太早了。

6."The sun will come up in the West before Victor Triumph tells a pe! " I said. I was seated, pulpng on my high-heeled boots.“要是维克托。图兰夫会说谎太阳就从西边升起来了!”我说。我坐下来,套上我的高跟鞋。

7.They sat down on the porch of the hotel. They started pulpng off their boots . "There! " Jack got them both off.他们在旅馆前的门廊上坐下,开始把靴子脱掉,“好了!”杰克终于把两只靴子都脱掉了。

8.He sent from on high, he took me, pulpng me out of great waters.他从高天伸手抓住我。把我从大水中拉上来。

9.Before you start, try pulpng as much of the long hair out as you can.然后你开始,试着拉一样的长发,一如您能。

10.The markings appeared to have been made by a tractor pulpng some sort of plough which created furrows 10m wide in the difficult terrain.雕刻中的条纹看上去像是由拖拉机牵引着某种犁在险恶地形上犁出的10米宽的沟。