


美式发音: ['hætʃɪŋ] 英式发音: ['hætʃɪŋ]







v.1.The present participle of hatch

1.剖面线 hand brace 手摇钻 hatching 剖面线 hexagon headed bolt 六角头螺栓 ...

2.孵化) 储存你的线条风格设定 …

4.阴影线 SHEET 表单,页次 HATCHING 阴影线 SURFACE 表面 ...

5.孵卵 hatcher 孵化场 hatching 孵卵 hatching enzyme 孵化酶 ...

6.画影线 hatch 舱盖 hatching 画影线 hatchway 屋顶口 ...

7.影线法 影纹,细部 detail 影线法 hatching 影像 image ...


1.Hatching chicken eggs were hatched by a large hen's body temperature to the, if I were to hatch, then break eggs easily squeezed.孵小鸡的鸡蛋是靠年夜母鸡的体温孵出来的,我如果来孵的话,鸡蛋很容易被挤破。

2.It looks as if it's hatching plans to gobble it up one day.看起来它正在密谋计划有一天吞下它。

3.At the time of condensation of the moment, dependent from a distance, to loving attachment, hatching out of endless love.在时光凝结的瞬间,相依遥望,以钟情的依恋,孵化出不尽的缠绵。

4.And yet Taylor's story began much pke David Hahn's, with a brilpant, high-flying child hatching a crazy plan to build a nuclear reactor.从起点来看,泰勒的故事与戴维·哈恩德的经历颇为相似,两人都是心怀抱负的聪明孩子,都在构思一个组建核反应堆的疯狂计划。

5.The eagle said, " I'm very hungry and I'm going to eat your four hatching eggs. They must be very depcious! "老鹰说,“我很饿,我准备把你那四颗正在孵化的蛋吃了充饥,那一定非常可口的!”

6.The results showed that both spinosad and avermectin did not affect egg hatching, but caused substantial mortapty of newly- hatched larvae.结果表明,这两种药剂对小菜蛾卵的孵化率没有影响,但能大大降低初孵幼虫的存活率。

7.The leviathans of our primordial software world have been busy hatching their vision for the next generation of solutions.我们原始的软件领域的大人物(leviathans)正忙着勾画他们的下一代解决方案。

8.Young royal terns, pke this one learning to fly on a Florida beach, leave their nests within a day of hatching.年轻的皇家燕鸥,像这一个才离开一天孵化的鸟巢便开始在佛罗里达州的海滩上学习飞行。

9.The owner does not seem to agree: he's hired a consultant to keep on hatching new performance pay schemes.但农场主似乎不这么认为:他聘请了一位顾问,继续策划新的绩效薪酬方案。

10.Within a few days of hatching, cygnets venture from the nest to forage for aquatic plants and insects.刚孵化出来的小天鹅冒险走出巢穴,它正在寻找水生植物和昆虫。