




1.彼得 pet--seek 追寻,寻求 petr-- phas-- 显示 ...

3.捷克 ... Shanmei 中国 Petr 捷克 Mike 英国 ...

4.石头 (oil 油,- (petr 石头, (petri=petro 石,- ...

5.岩石学 PETN 季戊四醇四硝酸酯 petr 岩石学 Petraia 石珊瑚属 ...

6.鍐灭墽 ... petl 瀹跺姟 petr 鍐灭墽 petu 鍐灭 ...

7.寻求 (和平)、- paleo- (寻求)、- petr- (石)、- phob- ...


1."I can guarantee that I did not attempt to injure Petr, and I am very upset that the colpsion has resulted in such a bad injury, " he said.“我可以保证我不是有意要伤害皮特,我对于这次冲突导致如此严重受伤感到非常难受”他说。

2."It was great for everyone to see Petr at the game on Wednesday , watching us win so well, " said the Chelsea captain.切尔西队长说:“每个人都很高兴看到皮特到现场观看周三的比赛,亲眼看到我们漂亮的胜利。”

3.Serious injury is the worst part of football and I feel terribly sorry for Petr. I have written to him to wish him a full recovery.严重受伤是足球中最糟糕的,我对皮特感到十分抱歉。我已经写信祝福他完全康复。

4.Before all that though, Petr sat down and spoke to Chelsea TV. There was only one question with which the interview could start.在这之前,切赫坐下来接受了切尔西电视台的采访,只有一个问题可以作为采访的开始。

5.Fresh from his man of the match display against Portsmouth at Fratton Park, Petr Cech talked confidently about a controversial subject.刚从他在弗拉帕顿公园面对朴茨茅斯时的当场最佳球员表现回来,彼得.切赫自信地谈及一个有争论性的话题。

6.he took his oxygen mask off and talked to the lads . petr said go back to work and go and win the game.他摘掉氧气罩跟队友们说话。切赫说想回来踢球,赢得这场比赛。

7.Christmas - A Season of Good Will! Let's hope Petr Cech has a great festive season as he attempts to get his career back on track.圣诞节——一个赛季最好的时刻!让我们祝福切赫拥有一个美好的赛季,祝福他能早日恢复!

8.Petr Cech and his wife proudly announced today the birth of their first daughter.彼得-切赫和他的妻子今天骄傲的宣布,他们的第一个女儿诞生了!

9."We originally planned that Petr will go there to watch the games too, but he stayed at home, " he said.他说:“我们原本也计划让彼得去看他比赛的,可惜现在彼得必须呆在家里休养。”

10.Chelsea keeper Petr Cech has revealed that he is fully fit and ready to return to first team action.切尔西门将切赫说他已经完全康复了,并且准备好回到一线队伍来。