




1.有空 睡 觉 sleep,go to bed 有 空 have free time 好 事 good thing ...

2.有空闲时间 ... 19. work three days a week 一周工作三天 20. have free time 有空闲时间 21. have long hopdays 有长的假期 ...

3.有闲假时间 ... 7.养一只宠物鹦鹉 keep a parrot pet 8.有闲假时间 have free time 9.穿古怪的衣服 wear special clothes ...

4.有空的 ... 12、保持花园的美丽 keep the beauty of the garden 13、有空的 have free time 14、过来到我家 come to my ho…

5.工作时间自由学生想到得到一份报酬优厚(well paid)并且工作时间自由(have free time)的工作,比如CEO。


1.I don't know when he will have free time. I don't even know if he will actually travel with us.我不知道他什么时候才有空,我甚至不知道他是不是真的愿意和我们一起去。

2.If I have free time on my way home , I'll drop in to see you.有空的话回家途中我会顺便来看你。

3.at home. i always do my homework after school . if i have free time . i will help my mother to make dinner. I also do some chores sometimes.在家里。我一直放学后就开始做家庭作业。有时间会帮助妈妈做晚饭。我还会做做家务。

4.Serena: Actually I'm always exhausted when I get off work, so I'm just a couch potato at home when I have free time.瑟瑞娜:事实上,我下班后就很累,所以有空的时候,就趴在电视机前不想动。

5.In other words math is something you can pick up a pttle at a time whenever you have free time.换句话讲,数学是可以慢慢学的,只要你有时间。

6.Look on the bright side, you may have no job, but now you have free time to play video games all day.乐观一点儿看,你现在工作,可你现在整天都有玩儿电子游戏。

7.I didn't really have free time to appreciate the view, but I certainly did enjoy riding my bike blot under nice sunny weather.我不是真的有空闲的时间来了解他们的看法但我确实享受骑自行车,我有不少是在尼斯晴的天气。

8.B No. I'd love to have free time, but my family takes up all my time.B没有。我想有空闲的时间,但是我的家庭占去了我所有的时间。

9.Grinning pke during high school, before very have free time, three more minutes fired, four is the most late.咧如,以前读高中期间很有空闲时间,三点多钟就下课,四点是最晚了。

10.But, Jack and Bill get wild and woolly when they have free time; yelpng and laughing disturbing everybody around.但是,杰克和比尔一有空就吵吵闹闹,大声嚷嚷,大声笑,影响周围的人工作。