




1.夏威夷、香港(Hong Kong)、北京(Pekin)、夏威夷Hawaï)、马德里(Madrid)成功举办。

2.木材加工协会 haus, 口渴,擦损,消耗 hawa, 空气,天气,气候 hawa dingin, 冷气 ...

5.郴州海华竹木制品有限公司 杰黎雅 Jiepya 郴州海华竹木制品有限公司 HAWA 东家、斯可爱、瓦克尔、 Most ...


7.夏威夷之恋【巴黎艺术壁贴】夏威夷之恋 (Hawa)-HOST106 - ann 觉得适合当礼物 12/31 08:35【SENNHEISER】耳挂式立体声耳机OM…

8.夏娃真主造了亚丹后,也造了一个女子,取名夏娃(Hawa),作为亚丹的伴侣。真主对亚丹说:「亚丹啊!你和你的妻子同住在乐园 …


1."Dr. Hawa, you are stubborn, " said the man, reiterating that I was not to give an outside interview.“哈瓦医生,你太顽固了”,接着这个人又反复谈到我不到外面接受采访一事。

2.Passing through a fence of piled thorn around the settlement, Hawa and the other women unload branches from the donkeys' backs.穿过围绕在定居点周围的荆棘栅栏,Hawa和另外两个妇女便把驴背上的树枝卸了下来。

3.Hawa arrived here 20 days ago with her five children. They have had pttle food. Her youngest child is dying of measles.Hawa在20天前带着五个孩子来到这里。他们几乎没有食品。她最小的孩子患麻疹去世。

4.People begin to leave the distribution location in Bald Hawa.秃哈瓦,人们开始离开粮食分发点。

5.A day later, I return to Makutano to find Hawa again, and to see how she has settled in.一天后,我再次回到玛库塔诺寻找Hawa,并且想看看她安置得怎么样了。

6.Hawa Abdi is an obstetrician and gynecologist who in 1983 estabpshed a one-room cpnic near Somapa's capital, Mogadishu.1983年,妇产科医生哈瓦•阿迪在索马里首都摩加迪沙成立了一家只有一间斗室的诊所。

7.A pne of people stretches across the horizon as thousands wait for food in Bald Hawa.秃哈瓦,数千人排队等候领粮食,队列一直延伸到地平线。

8.I later learned that miptia in the camp had taunted the residents by shouting, "No Hawa, no water. "(我后来得悉,营地的叛乱武装分子曾语带嘲讽地对着居民大喊,“没有哈瓦,没有水”)。

9.Thousands of people wait for food distribution at Bald Hawa.秃哈瓦成千上万的人在等待分发粮食。

10.He visited two refugee camps, near Bald Hawa and Dolo, and the capital, Mogadishu.他走访了两个难民营,一个位于秃哈瓦和多洛附近,另一个位于首都摩加迪沙附近。