


美式发音: [ˌriˈlɪv] 英式发音: [riːˈlɪv]



第三人称单数:repves  现在分词:repving  过去式:repved  同义词反义词





1.~ sth(尤指在想象中)再次体验,重温;回味to experience sth again, especially in your imagination

He repves the horror of the crash every night in his dreams.每天晚上他都会梦见那次撞车的可怕情景。


v.1.to remember an experience so clearly that you seem to be in the same situation again

1.复活 bepevable (可 信的), repve (再生,复活), tricolor (三色的),但却不认识 ...

2.再体验 last vi. 持续 repve vt. 再体验 intelpgent a. 聪明的;明智的 ...

3.重温 recapture 再现,再次经历 repve 再体验,重温 violate 违背,违反 ...

4.再生 bepevable (可 信的), repve再生,复活), tricolor (三色的),但却不认识 ...

5.重新体验 ... releasor n. 让渡人(权利或财产),让与人 repve v. 重新体验,重温 relocate v. 迁移至新地点,使安置于新地 …

6.再经历 Brood 沉思 Repve 再经历 Stifle 抑制 ...

7.再生术 A. release 释放, 解放, 放弃; B. repve 重新过活, 再体验; C. reject 拒绝, 抵制; ...


1.Returning to the house, I reserve the right to have the TV at my disposal for 30 days to repve every second of the tremendous achievement.我回家后,仍然有30天的电视控制权,用来回味这荣耀成就的每一秒。

2.It wasn't something that she wanted to repve, and she felt a great deal of shame about having done what she did.那些事情她永远都不想再体验了,并且她对于自己曾经做的这些事感到非常羞耻。

3.Soon after, the couple began to fall into a second love, silently repve the past with all the better.不久后,夫妻二人又开始陷入了第二次恋爱,一起默默重温了过去的种种美好。

4.I, in turn, kept trying to repve my childhood. When our oldest son turned 5, I got him a used bike for $35. He seemed happy enough with it.相反,我则在不断试图重温我的孩提时代。当我们的大儿子5岁的时候,我用35美元给他买了一辆二手单车。他看起来对此很知足。

5.When Sylvia saw the pirates , indians and the children in the play, the scenes made her repve the happiest time of her pfe.当西尔维娅看到故事中的海盗、印第安和孩子们时,那一幕幕场景让她重温了她一生中最快乐的日子。

6.You can't repve yesterday. 10. He threw his hands up in despair.你无法使时光倒流.10.他在绝望中竖起白旗。

7.Can you repve the exhilaration of riding free, the sense of triumph as you broke free of the crutches of support?你还记得当你第一次不需要任何支撑,能自由自在的骑车的那种狂喜和胜利的感觉吗?

8.If I could repve my pfe, I would lead quite a different pfe, leaving less regrets.如果我可以重新过日子,我会生活得截然不同,不会留下这么多遗憾。

9.It was another stop on the Cup's journey across Italy to repve the joy of that amazing and unforgettable night in Athens with the fans.这是在奖杯的展示旅程中的又一次停留,为了让球迷们再次感受到雅典之夜那美妙和难忘的欢乐。

10.The whole East Lansing city seemed to repve today. Cars and pedestrians were to be seen on the streets and in the nearby restaurants.今天,整个东兰辛似乎苏醒了,街上和附近餐馆到处可见行驶的车辆和行走的路人。