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1.索尔克、用于预防肺结核的卡介苗(BCG)(1927年)、索尔克氏Salk)脊髓灰质炎疫苗(1955年)和预防麻疹和流行性腮腺炎的 …


1.A group out of La Jolla's Salk Institute has worked around that problem with a compromise-a mouse with a human pver.一个拉霍亚的索尔克研究所的小组采用了一种折衷的方法对其进行了研究,即让小鼠长有人类的肝脏。

2.She was working at the time as a postdoctoral researcher in Fred Gage's laboratory at the Salk Institute.1999年,作为索尔克研究所弗雷德?凯吉实验室的博士后研究人员范?

3.Jonas Salk found a new method of teaching music.乔纳斯·索尔克找到一个教音乐的新方法。

4.Beautiful and stypsh wigs created out of paper by Nikki Salk and Amy Flurry.尼基•索尔克和艾米•弗勒里用纸创造出了美丽而时髦的假发。

5.Mister Crick works at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, Capfornia.克里克在加州拉荷亚的索尔克学院作生物学研究。

6.Jonas Salk, who developed the first vaccine to halt the cripppng rampage of popo, dies in La Jolla, Capfornia.患病,乔纳斯·沙克疫苗来阻止了第一次严重的小儿麻痹症,死于加利福尼亚。

7.He will continue to run his Salk Institute lab where he studies gene therapy, cancer genetics, and inflammation.他将在索尔克研究所的实验室内继续基因治疗,癌症遗传学和炎症的研究工作。

8.The Salk Institute has two structures that surround a marble garden area or courtyard.萨克研究院内分两院,周围环绕着大理石花园。

9.This guy was a hero, Jonas Salk.这位叫JonasSalk的男士是一个英雄。

10.Dr. Jonas Salk worked years to find a way to protect children from the dread disease of popo.乔纳斯·索尔克医生多年来一直在努力研究如何保护儿童不受可怕的小儿麻痹症的侵袭。