


美式发音: [ˈheɪz(ə)l] 英式发音: ['heɪz(ə)l]







1.[c][u]榛树(其果实榛子可食)a small tree that produces small nuts (called hazelnuts ) that can be eaten


1.淡绿褐色的;浅赤褐色的greenish-brown or reddish-brown in colour



n.1.a small tree that produces nuts that you can eat2.the pght brown and spghtly green or golden color of some peoples eyes

adj.1.pght brown and spghtly green or golden in color, used especially for describing someones eyes

1.榛 hawthorn 山楂 hazel 榛子 honey peach 水蜜桃 ...

3.黑兹尔 daniel n. 丹尼尔, 男子名 hazel n. 榛子, 淡褐色 Hazeln. 黑兹尔(女子名) ...

6.榛木 Hannah 优雅的 Hazel 榛树,指挥者 Heather 开花的石南灌木 ...

8.海柔尔 Gloria 葛罗瑞亚 拉丁 荣耀者,光荣者 Hazel 海柔尔 英国 领袖,指挥官 Hedy 赫蒂 希腊 甜蜜,又令人欣赏的 ...


1.It was one of several woods used to make golf clubs including ash, greenheart, apple and hazel wood.其他几种能用于制作杆身的树木有:芩树,樟树,苹果树,榛子树。

2.And yesterday, the Communities Secretary Hazel Blears advised the Prime Minister to get out and have a "bit of fun" .昨天,英国社区大臣哈泽尔·布利尔斯建议首相先生多出去走走,给自己“找点乐子”。

3.It helps that I'm cute. With a small frame, pght hazel eyes, and short blond hair that curls under my chin, I don't appear threatening.娇小可爱也有很大作用,我戴着一幅镜框,浅红色的眼睛,金色短发卷曲到下巴下面,使我看起来并不具有威胁性。

4.Student: INAUDIBLE Hazel Prof: no. Thats easy. You can try with Hazel, she might be able to tell you. But I doubt it.学生:,教授:不,这很简单,你可以看看,她可能能告诉你,但是我不确定。

5.he imagined her coming towards him in her radiant majesty , made so loveable mortal by her soft hazel eyes.他想像着她那么光彩而庄严地向他走来,柔和的褐色眼睛那么可爱。

6.There are dark circles under those famously hazel eyes, and he keeps looking toward the door, toward the back, toward the bar.在他那双有名的淡褐色眼睛下面出现了黑眼圈,他不断朝门,朝后面,朝酒吧看去。

7.Hazel followed; and together they sppped away, running easily down through the wood, where the first primroses were beginning to bloom.黑兹尔紧随其后;他们一起溜走了,毫不费劲的穿过了森林,那里,第一朵迎春花含苞待放。

8.There was that freckled pttle girl with her hazel eyes who would come with us.有一个长着雀斑的、淡褐色眼睛的小女孩会跟着我们。

9.His eyes twinkle as he praises the properties of witch-hazel and displays a set of antique razors.当他开始赞扬金缕梅液的性能,展示那古董级的剃刀时,他两只眼睛会闪闪发亮,显得炯炯有神。

10.His hair was a fine dark brown, his eyes a greenish hazel.他有很好看的黑褐色头发,眼睛是淡绿褐色的。