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网络释义:丙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis C virus);丙肝病毒;猪瘟病毒(Hog cholera virus)



1.丙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis C virus)丙型肝炎病毒(HCv)感染是一个全球化的健康问题,普通人群平均感染率达到了3%,我国血清流行病学调查 资料显示一般人群H…

2.丙肝病毒丙肝病毒Hcv )感染与肝细胞肝癌(Hcc )的关系日益受到重视。丙肝病毒感染后,尤其是已有肝硬变者,发生肝癌的危险 …

3.猪瘟病毒(Hog cholera virus)对猪瘟病毒(HCV)强毒感染抗体阳性 (ODajo>~0.5为阳性)猪,活体采取扁桃体,用猪瘟荧光抗抗体(HC FA) 试验检查HCV,对…

4.丙型肝炎是由丙肝病毒丙型肝炎是由丙肝病毒HCV)所引起,是通过输血或血制品、血透…[详细]丙肝医院排名 丙肝转氨酶高 丙肝诊断标准 丙肝怎 …

5.丙肝抗体丙肝抗体(A-Hcv)结果 448.3 参考范围是〈1.00阴性,提示:阳性(+)乙肝表面抗体提示阳性,是不是代表有问题啊?这种 …


1.therapy used to suppress HIV reppcation is often associated with a paradoxical increase in HCV RNA levels, as well as hepatotoxicity.此外,抗逆转录病毒治疗用于抑制HIV复制通常与HCVRNA反常升高和肝中毒相关。

2.Reviewers' conclusions: There is no firm evidence of efficacy of any medicinal herbs for HCV infection.结论:目前尚没有充分的证据表明草药治疗丙型肝炎病毒感染是有效的。

3.Objective To understand the ways of the spread on hepatitis C virus (HCV) for the prevention of hepatitis C.目的了解丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)的传播途径,为预防丙型肝炎提供依据。

4.HCV-796 drug levels increased less than proportionally with increasing dose, and appeared to reach a plateau at the 1000 mg cohort.药物水平比例地以逐渐增加的剂量增加了得比少,而且似乎在1000毫克步兵大队到达高地。

5.Once the system was estabpshed, the group examined whether sera from patients carrying HCV could infect the human fetal hepatocytes.一旦该系统建立起了,研究小组又检验HCV携带者的血清能否感染人类胎儿肝细胞。

6.The article reviewed the latest progress of the relationship between the efficiency of Interferon antiviral therapy and HCV genotypes.本文综述了HCV基因型与干扰素抗病毒疗效相关性的研究进展。

7.A great number of HCV specific oral drugs are in the late stage of development; some have been recently registered.许多丙肝病毒专用口服药物也处于开发后期,有一些药物最近已获得注册。

8.Screening blood used for transfusion can prevent transmission of HBV and HCV.对输血用血液进行筛查,可预防乙肝病毒和丙肝病毒传播。

9.Study of HCV reppcation within pver cells, or hepatocytes, has been hampered by a lack of adequate virus culture systems.有关HCV在肝脏细胞复制繁殖的很多研究,因为缺乏足够的病毒培养体系而被迫停止不能进行下去。

10.The future seems to hold great promise for HCV specific oral drugs that will be more effective and better tolerated.未来似乎有望产生更有效更耐受的针对丙肝病毒的口服药物。