


美式发音: [ˈhedəd] 英式发音: [ˈhedɪd]






1.顶端印有名称和地址的;有信头的having the name and address of a person, an organization, etc. printed at the top

headed notepaper有信头的便笺纸

2.有…头的;有…个头的having the type of head or number of heads mentioned

a bald-headed man秃顶男子

a three-headed monster三头怪兽



adj.1.headed paper has the name and address of a person or organization printed at the top

v.1.The past participle and past tense of head

1.有头的 honeymoon n. 蜜月 headed adj. 有头的, 有标题的 need n. 需要, 必需, 必需品, 要求, 贫困 ...

2.有标题的 honeymoon n. 蜜月 headed adj. 有头的, 有标题的 need n. 需要, 必需, 必需品, 要求, 贫困 ...

3.动词原形为 lung n. 肺和 headed (动词原形为: head v. 朝着…方向走去); ...

4.头脑清楚的 ... cleareyed 目光锐利的 clearheaded 头脑清楚的 ClerambaultKandinsky complex syndrome 克坎二氏复合综合症 ...

5.驶往 As a bet;at stake. 作为一个赌注的;被赌的 Nautical Bound;headed: 【航海】 开向;

6.前进 Handled 处理 Headed 前进 Helped 帮助 ...

7.带领 H handled 处理 headed 带领 helped 帮助 ...

8.领导的 减半的 halved 领导的 headed 人际关系 human relations ...


1.A pure sweet night, and finally we got out on a real narrow tar country road and headed up toward the mountains for sure.一个清秋酷毙的晚上,我们最终在一条非常狭窄的郊野柏油路上熄了火,确定无疑地赶紧朝山脉前进。

2.He also pointed out that Mr. McMahon's was headed the wrong way to his pmo and told him to go the other way! !他还指出,麦克马洪先生的团长是错误的利莫他,并告诉他去另一条路!!

3.But when the troops received word that they would be headed to Kandahar, it was one of the many things they knew they would need.但是,当部队接到的话,他们将前往坎大哈,它是许多事情之一,他们知道他们的需要。

4.There was not red-headed to be seen except my own and that of the manager.除我自己和那个干事外,再见不到一个红头发的人了。

5.On Sunday night I sat down at the dinner table after my family headed upstairs and I spent three hours cleaning out my email inbox.周日晚上,吃罢晚饭,我家人都上楼了。我坐在餐桌旁,化了3个小时清理我的电子邮箱。

6.For sure, we're headed for a time of abundance, at least in quantity.毫无疑问,我们正迈向一个信息丰富(至少在数量上是这样)的时代。

7.Anderson pulled out his radio and yelled into it. "All points! The suspect is headed for the southeast exit. Converge! "安德森拿出他的对讲机并吼道:“所有人注意!疑犯可能向东面出口去了。所有人集合!”

8.Show me a man who tells his wife she looks fat, and I'll show you a man headed for a night on the couch.如果你能说出一个对老婆说她看上去很胖的男人,那么我就能给你找到一个被下放到沙发上过夜的男人。

9.Two girlfriends and I piled into a car and headed to Aspen, Colo. where I found a job as a maid at a resort hotel.我和两个女孩子一起挤进了一辆小车子,朝亚斯本,Colo前进。在那里,我在一个假日旅馆找到了一份服务员的工作。

10.It will still be pretty turbulent, but it won't be headed for shore and trying to take everything along with it.这片水还是会很汹涌,但是它不会朝向海岸并且要把一切都带走。