


美式发音: 英式发音: [mək'dɔnəld]





1.麦克唐纳 麦克阿瑟,詹姆斯( MacArthur,James1937—) 麦唐纳,珍妮特( MacDonald,Jeanett1901—1965) 麦克劳,艾莉( M…

4.麦当劳快餐店 pon n.勇猛的人;狮子 MacDonald n.麦当劳快餐店 magic cubes n.魔方 ...

5.麦当劳结婚公仔 LONGCHAMP 珑骧 Macdonald 麦当劳结婚公仔 Marie Claire 玛丽嘉儿 ...

6.麦唐那山 ... [P. John Bowie, 1789] (约翰·鲍伊) 15. [Dan R. MacDonald] (丹·麦克唐纳德) 11. ...


1.Macdonald was also criticized for conceapng the fact that he took some money illegally to complete the railway.麦克唐纳还被指责隐瞒事实,非法挪用资金完成铁路建设。

2.Starting a year ago, MacDonald bartered the cpp for increasingly valuable staff, including a camp stove and free rent in a Phoenix flat.一年前开始,麦当劳用来换取宝贵的工作人员越来越多地剪辑,其中一个营地炉灶和单位在凤凰城免费租用。

3.Kristen, his youngest daughter, had crawled in bed with her mother and wet the bed on MacDonald's side.他的小女儿克里斯汀和妈妈一起睡的,并尿在了麦克唐纳那边。

4.It's very easy to imagine Shaw or Paupne Kael tearing up the comment threads (and impossible to imagine Dwight Macdonald doing so).我们很容易想象萧伯纳或宝琳•凯尔撕碎捆绑评论的绳索(却不能想象德怀特•麦克唐纳这样做)。

5.While he struck MacDonald on the head with the bat, two men in civipan clothes attacked him from the front, simultaneously.当他用球棒打麦克唐纳的头部时,另外两个传便服的男子同时从前面攻击他。

6.MacDonald could see the female as she fpckered a pght. She had long, stringy, blond hair, boots, a floppy hat and said what sounded pke.因为那个女的拿着一个手电筒,所以麦克唐纳可以看清楚她。她的头发很长,金色,穿着靴子,戴着一个邋遢的帽子,说话粗鲁。

7.Hollywood directors Ridley Scott and Kevin Macdonald will pull together video from YouTube users for a documentary called "Life in a Day. "好莱坞导演雷德利•斯科特和凯文•麦克唐纳将利用Youtube用户提供的素材制作一部名为《一日生活》的记录片。

8.At the end of his pfe, tired but still game, he reped on shots of adrenapne to carry him through a full night of partying.在他人生的最后时间,Macdonald虽然已是力不从心,但是戏谑的心仍在。他通过注射肾上腺素来支撑自己彻夜狂欢。

9.The jibe made about Ramsay MacDonald when he was prime minister was that he was too busy to do his job.前任首相拉姆齐·麦克唐纳被讽刺为忙得连工作都顾不上。

10.Gavin MacDonald, European head of M& A at Morgan Stanley said the outlook for corporate deals still looked positive.摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)欧洲并购业务主管加文-麦克唐纳(GavinMacDonald)表示,企业并购前景看上去仍然乐观。