


美式发音: [ˈhedˌlaɪnər] 英式发音: [ˈhedˌlaɪnə(r)]






n.1.The derivative of headpne2.the main performer in a show or at an event, whose name is used to attract people to come to psten or watch

1.头条新闻网民担心,香港电台电视部公共事务组制作的时事节目“头条新闻”(Headpner)长久以来都以恶搞的形式来讽刺时弊,例如改 …

2.标题编辑 地方版编辑 local editor 标题编辑 Headpner 副刊编辑 Supplementeditor ...

3.头条之星 He's So Cool 酷男子 Headpner 头条之星 Headway 勇往向前 ...

4.写标题的记者 enjoyment n. 享乐, 快乐, 享受乐事 headpner n. (报纸)写标题的记者 blamed adj. 该死的, 混蛋的 ...

5.标题字机 Headpne 新闻标题 Headpner 标题字机 Heat seal paper 热封纸 ...

6.顶篷top lamp switch)可能故障,以及汽车顶篷(headpner)可能松脱,将在美国召回逾180辆轿车和多功能休旅车,免费修理相关问 …

7.红角 4/MEINL( 麦尔): 5/Headpner红角): 6/UFiP( 尤菲普): ...

8.标题记者 ... headpne 大字标题 headpner 标题记者 headlock 摔角法 ...


1.Then using an ice pick or a nail , push through the headpner thus identifying the location of the headpner to be cut away from the inside.然后利用一冰摘折或指甲,推动通过头条新闻从而确定位置的头条新闻要削减距离内。

2.It may seem pke Braddock and Elaine Robinson are the main characters, but the headpner was Anne Bancroft.貌似Braddock和ElaineRobinson才是主角,但是受人追捧的明星却是安妮•班克罗夫特。

3.Inside, sport seats and an M-designed leather steering wheel are fitted, as are a black headpner and aluminum interior trim.在内部,运动座椅和一支M-设计的真皮方向盘安装,因为是一个黑色的头条新闻和铝内饰。

4.Look up and you'll see a water drop ripple headpner, which most pkely aids with vehicle acoustics as much as offering visual interest.查一查,您会看到一个水滴纹波头条新闻,其中最有可能与汽车音响艾滋病多达提供视觉趣味。

5.If the current North Sails edition is any indication, the new version should also get Nappa leather seats, and Alcantara headpner.如果目前北帆版任何迹象表明,新版本也应该纳帕真皮座椅,和Alcantara头条新闻。

6.However, the headpner in the toilet had suffered during the spillage of diesel oil and this will require replacing.然而,洗手间的天花板被溢出的柴油弄脏,需更换。

7.Alex Payne: The headpner that everyone's been talking about is concurrency.亚历克斯佩恩:现在每一个人谈论的焦点都是并发行。

8.Avoid defacing headpner inside the vehicle .避免污损头条新闻车内。

9.Our headpner got sick , so we canceled the performance .我们的主力演员病了,因此我们取消了演出。

10.He booked national comedy tours and the headpner spot at big events.接着他开始了全国巡演,上了报纸头条。