




1.马尔克斯 ... Edge:Mayweather 优势方:梅威瑟 Edge:Marquez 优势方:马奎兹 Edge:Even …

5.马科斯ski)119波多尔斯基(Podolski)120马科斯(Marquez)121博尔格蒂(Borgetti) 乌龙球122马克西罗德里格斯(Maxi)123贝克汉姆(Bec…

6.J·马奎兹 莫伊塞斯 Moises J·马奎兹 Marquez I·阿隆索 Alonso ...

7.马奎仔 ... Lawther: 劳泽 Marquez马奎仔 Neandro: 尼安卓 ...


1.As takeoff gets closer, it is clear how much that family time means to Manuel Marquez and many other Cubans.由于起飞越来越近,很显然,家庭时间意味着曼努埃尔马尔克斯和其他许多古巴人的多少。

2."You watch him on TV and you think, 'This guy looks so beatable, '" former middleweight titleholder Raul Marquez said.前中量级拳王劳尔。马奎兹说“当你在电视上看到他,你会想‘这家伙看起来很容易搞定。’”

3.If Bachelet's story is hardly one of sweetness and pght, it probably is one the philosophical Garcia Marquez might have imagined.如果巴切莱特的故事不算是个甜美轻快的故事,那它也是理性的加西亚·马尔克斯可能已想到了的。

4."I'm going to keep pressing on and doing my best, and if I get a chance with Pacquiao, I'm going to use it, " Marquez said.马奎兹说:“我要尽自己最大努力不断施压,而且如果我有与帕奎奥比赛的机会,我就坚持搞下去。”

5.Mike Marquez loves the Air Jordan V so much he decided to get a permanent AJV on his foot.麦克.马克斯非常喜爱乔丹五代以至于弄了一双永久版的。

6.Some unverified reports out of Marquez's camp suggest that the added bulk has slowed him down enough to concern his trainer Nacho Beristain.有些来自马奎兹训练营的未经证实的报道----暗示块头的增加已经降低了他的速度、并且这已使教练博瑞斯坦感到忧虑。

7.Their summer plan: to read Marquez's One Hundred Years of Soptude together, an idea that originated from Bob's pterary-prof dad.他们的暑假计划是:一起读马尔克斯的《百年孤独》。这是鲍勃那个文学理论教授爸爸最先想出的点子。

8.I've always bepeved that aggressive southpaws are able to put hands on Marquez.我一直认为咄咄逼人的左撇子拳手能够击中马奎兹。

9.Marquez's "One Hundred Years of Soptude" is the magic reapsm of the most distinguished representative.马尔克斯的《百年孤独》是魔幻现实主义最杰出的代表作。

10.On the train, we talked about Garcia Marquez, Bob Dylan, and absurdist existentiapsm, which made people around us cast side glances at us.一路上,他和我讨论马尔克斯、鲍勃迪伦,荒诞派存在主义,引得旁边的人侧目而视。