

lend out

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1.借出 lend an ear 倾听 lend out vt. 租出去;借出 lend one's countenance to 赞成;支持 ...

2.房子刚刚才租出去 ... lend out 借出(书等) lend out 借出去 lend-lease 依租借法批准 ;n.租借 ...

4.房子刚刚才租进来ve?" (你们有什么样的公寓啊?) 如果很不巧的房子刚刚才租进来 (lend out),那我们就可以紧接著问对方,各位可能在进旅馆 …


1.The company also plans to raise money from charitable foundations to lend out, with the interest being reinvested to fund further loans.齐放还计划从慈善基金组织吸纳资金用来放贷,获得的利息会再次投资到贷款中去。

2.Investors lend out Treasuries overnight in the so-called repo market, and get the bonds and a small interest payment back the next day.通常情况下,投资者在所谓的回购市场上隔夜借出美国国债,次日收回并获得一小笔利息收入。

3.With a leap and a bound, the bridge bank is well-capitapsed and capable of raising new funds to lend out to good projects.这样一来,桥银行变得资本充裕,有能力筹集新的资金,向优质项目提供贷款。

4.Instead, they keep only a small fraction of your money there at the bank and they lend out the rest to someone else.反而,他们仅仅只把你的钱的一部分存在那里,而把其它钱都借给别人。

5.Savers deposit funds that might be quickly required in banks. The latter effectively create the money they lend out.储户把可能很快就会动用的钱存入银行,而银行有效地创造出它们借出的资金。

6.The problem: banks don't have enough places to lend out all that yuan and earn interest.症结在于银行没有足够的渠道把这些人民币资金全部贷出去,并收取利息。

7.More convincingly, major borrowers are pressuring banks to lend out as much of the credit quota as possible.更有说服力的是,主要借贷方正向银行施压以尽可能多的借出信贷配额。

8.If the borrower then writes a check to someone who deposits the $90, the bank receiving that deposit can lend out $81.如果贷款者给某人开出了一张支票,而某人又把90$存进了银行,那收到那笔存款的银行就又能贷出去81$。

9.A bank can open an office, advertise attractive rates and lend out $1bn in a month or two.一家银行却能在一两个月时间里开设一个网点、宣传诱人的利率、贷出10亿美元。

10.no work unit or individual may falsify , alter , lease out , lend out , sell or in another manner transfer an advertising business permit.任何单位和个人不得伪造、涂改、出租、出借、倒卖或者以其他方式转让《广告经营许可证》。