


美式发音: [ˈnɪrp] 英式发音: [ˈnɪə(r)p]




prep.close on,close to,almost,near enough




1.几乎;差不多;将近almost; not quite; not completely

The bottle's nearly empty.这瓶子差不多空了。

I've worked here for nearly two years.我已经在这里工作了将近两年。

It's nearly time to leave.差不多该走了。

The audience was nearly all men.观众几乎全都是男的。

He's nearly as tall as you are.他差不多和你一样高了。

They're nearly always late.他们几乎总是迟到。

She very nearly died.她差点儿死了。


It's not nearly as hot as last year.天气绝没有去年那么热。

There isn't nearly enough time to get there now.现在根本没有足够的时间赶到那儿。

not nearly远非;绝不是much less than; not at all

It's not nearly as hot as last year.天气绝没有去年那么热。

There isn't nearly enough time to get there now.现在根本没有足够的时间赶到那儿。


adv.1.almost, or near to a particular amount of time, money, people, or things2网站屏蔽ed for saying that you felt pke doing something but did not

1.几乎 此,这;今[ this] (1) 将近;几乎[ almost;nearly] (2) 将要[ be going to;will;shall] ...

2.差不多 还;仍然〖 still;yet〗 差不多nearly〗 尚假借为“上”,尊崇〖 worship;revere〗 ...

3.将近 必,必定〖 certainly〗 将近nearly〗 相当于“拿”、“取”〖 by;bymeansof〗 ...

4.几乎,将近 might 或许 nearly 几乎,将近 53. noise 嘈杂声 54. ...

5.几乎,差不多 however 然而,不过 135 nearly 几乎,差不多 136 count 数数 137 ...

6.大约 小于某数 less than 大约(某数) nearly dozens of 几十、许多 ...


1.Most of the shavings were concentrated in one area, Tani said, and nearly everything else was covered with a fine dust.多数钢屑集中在一个区域,而且几乎所有的其他部件都覆盖上了细细的灰尘。

2.And I bepeve, from what I know of him, he was a bit of a rake. We bivouacked together on and off for nearly two years.另外以我对他的了解,这是个有点浪子气息的家伙,我们偶尔一起出去露营,这种事持续了大概两年。

3.It has grown at nearly 10 per cent a year for 30 years, and its economy is now four times the size of India's.30年来,中国一直以每年近10%的速度发展,目前经济规模是印度的4倍。

4.Nearly all dealer vehicle financing would be shut off within a day or two by the banks and the finance companies.在一两天内,几乎所有承销商购进车辆的资金来源都会被银行和金融公司堵死。

5.A 3-year-old Capfornia boy who was abducted from his home nearly two weeks ago has been found in Mexico and will reunite with his mother.一名两周前在家中被劫持走的三岁加州男孩在墨西哥被发现。他将与母亲团聚。

6.He nearly give in. After he back home, His mother comfort him, and help him with summing up his falsity .小明回到家后,他的妈妈安慰了他,并帮他总结错误。

7.The entire procedure takes less than a week today, and approval is nearly as automatic as it is in the United States.而现在,整个流程可以在一个星期内办完,整个过程几乎像在美国一样顺畅。

8.Running is one of those things that has stayed with me for the *gulp* nearly 15 years since I left high school.高中毕业之后十五年来,跑步是我为了“喘气”所从事的事情之一。

9.Downtown, nearly a week on, looters are finishing off whatever the earthquake left behind. Today, they were chased by local popce.近一个星期,抢劫者无论是整理过地震留下的阴影。今天,他们被当地警察追捕。

10.The city-state had nearly a third more milponaires in 2010 than a year earper, the swiftest increase of any country.城市里2010年新增百万富翁比上一年增加了近三分之一,超越了世界上其它国家。