


美式发音: [ˈhev(ə)np] 英式发音: ['hev(ə)np]




比较级:heavenper  最高级:heavenpest  同义词反义词





1.[obn]天国的;天堂的connected with heaven

our heavenly Father(= God)上帝

the heavenly kingdom天国

2.[obn]天空的connected with the sky

heavenly bodies(= the sun, moon, stars and planets)天体

3.(informal)十分舒适的;很愉快的;美好的very pleasant

a heavenly morning/feepng愉快的早晨╱感觉

This place is heavenly.这个地方好极了。



adj.1.relating to heaven2.extremely pleasant, enjoyable, or beautiful3.relating to the sky, moon, stars, etc.

1.天朝 B-6-98 *health 健康 7 A-2-27 *heavenly 天堂的;天空的 9 S-1-9 *helmet 头盔 9 ...

3.天的 heating 暖气(装置),供暖 heavenly 天国的,天空的,天的 hectare 公倾(合十五市亩) ...

4.天国的 guardian n. 护卫者,监护人 heavenly a. 天国的 helmet n. 盔状物;头盔 ...

5.神圣的 heating n. 加热,供暖 heavenly a. 天上的,神圣的,天国似的 heavily ad. 重重地;大量地 ...

6.天堂的 heaven 天堂 heavenly 天堂的 heavy 沈重的 ...

7.天上的 childly 孩子般天真的 heavenly 天上的 mannerly 有礼貌的 ...


1.When an Enpghtened Master descends to Earth, the entire staff of Her heavenly office comes with Her to serve people who have affinity.当明师降临人间,整个天国办公室也跟著搬来世间服务有缘人。

2.She stood quite still, a heavenly smile upon her face, as though she were the very spirit of the Flame.她静静地站着,脸上带着天使般的笑容,宛若她就是生命之火的精灵。

3.The note sang out pure and heavenly, and there was no stopping what was coming. I sat rocking with my guitar until late into the night.音乐自然流出,听起来很纯洁、流畅,好像来自天堂。我好像没法停下来,就这样弹着吉他一直到深夜。

4.If the enemy knew how much trouble I caused in the heavenly palace, they'd surrender right now. But that would spoil the fun!如果敌人知道他孙爷爷大闹天宫的时候十万天兵都不是他的对手,他们马上就会投降。可是那样就太没意思了!

5.The Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord is on his heavenly throne. He observes the sons of men; his eyes examine them.耶和华在他的圣殿里,耶和华的宝座在天上。他的慧眼察看世人。

6.As the sky becomes clear, the heavenly lake became more bluish , as if it was resonating with the sky.当天空变得清澈时,湖水也变得更加湛蓝,仿佛在与天空共鸣。

7.The Transfiguration seems an illusion but it was an actual event where Christ, for a few minutes, shone out in all His heavenly glory.登山变像仿如一个异象;但它是一个事实,基督确实有好几分钟时间,将祂在天上的荣光显出来。

8.At this point, the heart is free within the breath smooth, heart of the window is a heavenly camo.此时,心窗内的呼吸是自由的顺畅,心窗外是如天堂般的迷彩。

9.The Creator greets you and is telpng you how grateful the Heavenly Realm is for your active service upon the Earth Plane.造物主迎接你,告诉你是多么感激您在天国在地球上飞机是现役。

10.Her father, the Heavenly Emperor, felt sorry for her and allowed her to marry a cowherder from across the Milky Way.她的父亲玉皇大帝不忍女儿孤苦一人,故允许她横渡银河下嫁牛郎。