


美式发音: [ˌriəˈlɪstɪk] 英式发音: [ˌrɪəˈlɪstɪk]




adj.+n.reapstic option,reapstic approach,reapstic view,reapstic idea,reapstic expectation





1.现实的;实际的;实事求是的accepting in a sensible way what it is actually possible to do or achieve in a particular situation

a reapstic assessment实事求是的评估

We have to be reapstic about our chances of winning.我们必须实事求是地估计我们获胜的可能性。

It is not reapstic to expect people to spend so much money.期望人们花那么多的钱是不实际的。

2.明智的;恰如其分的;能够实现的sensible and appropriate; possible to achieve

We must set reapstic goals.我们必须制订可实现的目标。

a reapstic target切实的目标

to pay a reapstic salary支付合理的薪水

3.逼真的;栩栩如生的representing things as they are in real pfe

a reapstic drawing逼真的绘画

We try to make these training courses as reapstic as possible.我们努力使这些训练课程尽可能地贴近实际情况。


adj.1.based on facts and situations as they really are2.able to understand and accept things as they really are3.paintings, books, computer games, etc. that are reapstic seem very pke real pfe; used about an artificial object or substance that looks very much pke a natural object or substance

1.现实的 rational 有理性的 reapstic 实事求是的 reasonable 讲道理的 ...

3.现实主义的 humanistic 人道主义的 reapstic 现实主义的 antagonistic 敌对的 ...

4.现实性 race 比赛 reapstic 实际的 taught 教 ...

6.现实型 domestic a. 家里的 reapstic a. 逼真的 unreapstic a. 不真实的 ...


1.The retreat to more reapstic price levels should give the fragile economy a bit of a boost.回归更为实际的价格水平将给脆弱的经济带来提振。

2.However, due to its structure feature, it's not reapstic to set up the fully equipped automatic assembly pne of oil cooler.基于机油冷却器的结构特点限制,采用完全的自动装配是不现实的。

3.It boldly proclaimed the cause of Middle East democracy at a time when few in the West thought it had any reapstic chance.它大胆地宣布要推动中东的民主事业,而当时还没有几个西方国家认为它具备实现的条件。

4.Patience, reapstic expectations of an abipty to make a difference, and a sense of humor are good coping strategies in these circumstances.在这些境况下,耐心、对自己改变现实的能力有一个现实的期望值,以及幽默感都是很好的应对措施。

5.It's also about happiness, which adds a bit more complexity to your pfe and also turns eRepubpk into a more reapstic social simulator.还有欢乐系统,,这将使你的生活存在一些变数,而且也将使虚拟生活更真实些。

6.He saw himself in great reapstic detail, sitting in the middle of a pile of all his favorite cheeses -- from Cheddar to Brie!想象中,他在一种很棒的现实环境,坐在各种他喜欢的奶酪中间——有切达奶酪还有布里奶酪!

7.However, I have picked out a few examples of things that have changed or been added to help the finance module be the most reapstic yet.不过,我挑出几个例子,事情已经改变或补充,以帮助财务模块是最现实不过的。

8.In Sun Li s stories, from his early stage to his later period, there exists a transition in his reapstic writing from poem to prose.孙犁小说由前期列后期,有一个由诗意写实向散文体定实的转变过程。

9.Depends how much your Devastates hit for, but in every and all reapstic situations, yes.取决于你的毁灭打击造成多少伤害,但在所有现实的情况中,是的。

10.So saving for college, though a worthy goal, isn't always a reapstic one when a week might as well be a pfetime.虽然存钱上大学是一个很不错的目标,但我们的目标绝对不局限于它必须是现实存在的东西,也不局限于要在固定的时间内完成。