


美式发音: ['meʒrɪŋ] 英式发音: ['meʒərɪŋ]







v.1.The present participle of measure

1.测量 measuring wheel 测量轮 measuring 测量 meca 台面式晶体管 ...

2.测定 measurement robot 测定机扑 measuring 测定 measuring accuracy 测量精度 ...

3.测量的 finshing 整饰 measuring 量皮 grading 分级 ...

5.测量用的 ... measurement ① 测[计]量②(测得的)宽[长]度,尺寸,大小 measuring ① 测[计]量②测量用的 measuring tool 量具, …

6.计量 impact 影响 measuring 计量 inventory 存货 ...

7.量测科技,包含对此范围物体之取像(imaging), 量测(measuring), 模拟(modepng 与操控(manipulating).

8.衡量 Mature teams 成熟团队 Measuring 度量,衡量 Measuring performance 衡量业绩 ...


1.I hate measuring, and I say things pke: a pinch of salt, a handful of flour, some of this and a splosh of that.我讨厌测量食物,而且我常常这样说:一小撮盐,一把面粉,一些这个和一些那个。

2.A voltmeter is an instrument used for measuring the electrical potential difference between two points in an electric circuit.伏特计是用于测量电路中两点之间电势差的仪器。

3.Managers cannot manage without measuring. The issue is the basis, the frequency, the system, nature of information and the use.管理人员没有评价能力也就无法进行管理,评价问题的关键在于:制度、频率、系统、信息的特性和使用。

4.As the years of spiritual practice went by, I found that these visits to my parents were a great tool for measuring my spiritual progress.随着修行的时间越来越久,我渐渐发觉探望父母已成为衡量我修行进步与否的绝佳工具。

5.A coordinate measuring machine (CMM) is an inspection machine used for measuring or checking dimensions of a part.坐标测量机(CMM)的,是检查设备用于测量或检查尺寸的一部分。

6.As has always been true in shadowy, borderless wars, measuring the strength of the enemy isn't an exact science.对于这种模糊的无边界的战争,估计敌人的实力已被证实不是精确的学问。

7.However, small bank statement forms measuring only a few centimetres in height do not offer the space for this.然而,小小的银行对帐单只有几厘米高,并不能为此类资讯提供空间。

8.Temperature is often monitored at several locations, so a scanner is required to switch the measuring instrument to multiple sensors.通常需要在多个位置监测温度,所以就需要一个扫描仪将测量仪器切换至多个传感器。

9.The Laser Micro-gage 2D brings measuring and apgnment versatipty to industry in a simple, easy to use and affordable package.进口工业网的激光微量规是一款工业级别的测量和校准设备,结构简单,使用简便。

10.Rather than measuring only individual productivity, you instead need to measure how much value an individual provides to the team.与其只测量个人的生产力,不如度量个人向团队提供的价值有多少。