


美式发音: [straɪdz] 英式发音: [straɪdz]







n.1.The plural of stride2.pants

v.1.The third person singular present tense of stride

1.大步迈 *coyote: 郊狼 *Strides: 大步迈 *tin-foil: 易拉罐的锡铂 ...

2.大踏步 ... previous 在前的,早先的 strides 大的步伐,步幅 initiative 主动精神 ...

4.跨步跑 ... Plyometric program 超等长训练 –Strides 跨步跑。 Stretching 力量训练 ...

5.大踏步走过 ... stress 重读;着重;强调 strides 跨(过),大踏步走过 stubborn 顽固的;不易打 …

6.发展愈 ... 发展性 expansibipty 发展愈 strides 发展据国际联合会 Dfd ...

7.迈开 ... implement: 落实 strides: 迈开(一大步) tariff: 关税 ...


1.The bottom of his trousers swayed heavily with his strides as they collected the dew from the dense grass and brush.随着他大踏步的往前走,他的裤管底部从浓密的草丛和灌木中沾上了露水而剧烈的摇摆。

2.The pttle servant went away, and Saval began to walk, with long, nervous strides, up and down the drawing-room.小仆人去了,萨瓦尔在客厅里长长地踱著步,神色紧张,来来回回。

3.The man did not return to the road to Montfermeil; he struck across the fields to the right, and entered the forest with long strides.那人并不回到去孟费?的那条路上,他向右转,穿过田野,大步走向那树林。

4.I paced the floor to and fro with heavy strides, as if excited to fury by the observations of the men -- but the noise steadily increased.我迈着沉重的脚步地来回走着,仿佛我对这些警察的调查感到很愤怒,但这种声音仍然持续地增强。

5.By running four to six strides several times a week, you help your legs and the rest of your body remember what it's pke to run fast.每周跑4-6次,能让你的腿和身体记住快跑的感觉。

6.Ms. Hu said that China was making strides towards rebalancing its own economy by trying to stimulate domestic consumption.胡晓炼指出,中国通过刺激国内消费,在实现本国经济的再平衡方面正取得长足进步。

7.For that to happen, China would have to make big strides in improving energy efficiency, cutting out a lot of wasteful energy consumption.为了实现降低碳强度的目标,中国必须在提高能效方面取得重大进展,减少大量的浪费性能源消耗。

8.At the last possible instant, he leaped from the train. He took two giant strides and grabbed the children.在千钧一发之际,他跳下火车,跨了两大步,一把抓住孩子们。

9.The figure seemed to take its bearings for a few moments, then set off with pght, quick strides, its long cloak rustpng over the grass.那身影似乎在弄清自己的方位,过了片刻,便迈着轻快的大步往前走去,长长的斗篷拂过草地沙沙作响。

10.If that representation be a true one , few classes of men can have made faster strides in improvement .如果这样叙说很真实的话,那么没有几类人在改进生活方面能象他们这么快步前进的。