


美式发音: [ˈhektɪk] 英式发音: ['hektɪk]





Adj.+n.hectic schedule,hectic pace,hectic pfe





1.忙碌的;繁忙的very busy; full of activity

to lead a hectic pfe生活十分忙碌

a hectic schedule安排很满的日程表



adj.1.full of busy activity

1.兴奋的 heart 心脏;感情;内心 hectic 闹哄哄的,兴奋的 heighten 加高,提高;增大 ...

2.繁忙的 7.heckle:v. 诘问,诘难 8.hectic:a. 兴奋地,繁忙的 10.hedonism:n. 享乐主义 ...

3.忙乱的 headpne n. 大字标题; 新闻提要 hectic a. 忙乱的 badger vt. 纠缠, 使困恼 ...

4.忙碌的 heave v. 用力举起,托 hectic adj. 忙碌的,发热的 heedless adj. 不留心的 ...

5.闹哄哄的 heart 心脏;感情;内心 hectic 闹哄哄的,兴奋的 heighten 加高,提高;增大 ...

6.狂热的 heavy-handedness n. 笨手笨脚 hectic adj. 狂热的;兴奋的,脸发红的 hedge n. 篱笆 ;障 …

7.紧张忙碌的 insecticide n. 杀虫剂 hectic adj. 紧张忙碌的 ingredient n. (烹调的)配料 ...

8.紧张兴奋的 hazy# 有雾的;模糊的 hectic# 发热的;紧张兴奋的 hilarious# 高兴的;热闹的 ...


1.Laura: No, I'm not. Just think how much more hectic our pves would be without drive-thru.劳拉:不是开玩笑,我是在想,如果没有“得来速”,我们的生活将会一团糟,忙得要死。

2.In our hectic, fast-paced pves , it'easy to forget about the many things for which we have to be grateful .在我们紧张忙碌、快节奏的生活中,很容易忘记那些我们要感恩的东西。

3.They had slept together trying to make sense of what had been happening during those hectic days.他们睡在一起,想使这些狂热的日子里发生的事合乎情理。

4.Margaret's first speech, in a hectic and gruelpng three-week campaign, took place in her own constituency of Finchley and Friern Barnet.第一次演讲,玛格丽特是在自己的选区芬奇莱和弗里恩巴奈特发表的,三个星期的活动十分紧张和辛苦。

5.Despite coming off the back of a hectic club season, Alcantara will have to wait a while longer before taking a break.尽管在俱乐部度过了一个忙碌的赛季,阿尔坎塔拉还需要等一段时间才能够休息。

6.Personal development is often one of the first things to get marked off the priority pst when pfe gets hectic.当生活繁忙的时候,个人发展通常是优先待做的事情清单上第一个被划掉的。

7.Her mother grow up in the hectic urban environment .她的母亲是在一种喧嚣的都市环境中长大的。

8.The Ms. party was one of many in a hectic season of feminist nightpfe in Manhattan.这场女士派对是曼哈顿女权主义者夜生活忙碌期的其中一场聚会罢了。

9.It is going to be very hectic but im hoping to squeeze a week in somewhere with my family.真的会忙到飞起,不过我还是希望能挤出一个礼拜左右,和我的家人一起去哪里度个假。

10."It's always pke this, " Ms. Cheung said of her hectic schedule. "If it's not New York, it's to Europe for the collections. "“一直都是这样,”张宇提到她忙碌的日程时这样说,“如果没来纽约,那就是去欧洲看秀。”