




1.海夫纳 Hed Pe 海派乐团 Hefner 海夫纳乐团 Heidi Berry 海蒂贝瑞 ...

3.黑夫纳 ... 黑维塞 Heaviside 黑夫纳 Hefner 海森堡 Heisenberg ...


1.Speaking to fans on his Twitter account, Hefner said he would be married for the third time.在其“Twitter”的账号上,休对他的粉丝说,他要第三次结婚了。

2.There was a time when female movie stars who felt they were being ignored by the industry took off their clothes for Hugh Hefner's magazine.有一段时间当女影星感到被这个庞大的电影工业忽略的时候就会在休·海夫曼的杂志上脱掉衣服。

3.LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Playboy founder Hugh Hefner changed American pop culture, one centerfold at a time.路透洛杉矶11月13日电---《花花公子》创始人休・海夫纳(HughHefner)用裸体插页变革了美国的流行文化。

4.Mr Hefner will remain as the company's chief creative officer, a role he has held since stepping down as chief executive.休•赫夫纳仍将担任公司的首席创意官,他从辞去首席执行官后就一直担任这一职务。

5.Mr. Hefner owns about 70% of the company's voting shares and about 28% of its non-voting shares.赫夫纳持有该公司约70%的表决权股份和约28%的非表决权股份。

6."I used to say we were awash in gas, " says Mr Hefner.我以前经常说我们有很多天然气,如今我要说我们‘浸’在其中!

7."It's certainly possible, " Hefner told me when asked if he had plans to pop the question.“这当然是可能的,”当被问到是否计划求婚时,他回到说。

8.Compared with Playboy Playmates, as the Hefner centerfold models were known, Penthouse Pets were arrayed in more provocative poses.与赫夫纳折页模特成名之地——《花花公子》玩伴相比,《阁楼》宠物的打扮要挑逗得多。

9.Hefner was divorced from his second wife, Kimberley Conrad, in 2010 after a lengthy separation.在长期分居后,赫夫纳于2010年与第二任妻子金伯利康拉德离婚。

10."I think Playboy fans will enjoy seeing our Playmate of the Year's true form, " Hefner added in a statement.他在一份声明中称:“《花花公子》的粉丝们一定会非常享用年度玩伴的热辣身材。”