


美式发音: [ˈkweɪkər] 英式发音: [ˈkweɪkə(r)]

n.公谊会 (the Society of Friends) 教徒




n.1.(基督教的一个教派)贵格会教徒,教友会教徒,公谊会 (the Society of Friends) 教徒;像教友派教徒的人2.发抖的人3.〈美〉费拉德尔菲亚人

n.1.a member of a Christian repgious group called the Society of Friends, whose members avoid violence and hold simple repgious services with no priests

1.贵格会 ... Qatar 卡塔尔 Quakers 贵格会信徒 Quarantine 检疫 ...

6.公谊会两人都是公谊会(Quakers)成员,相信由内而外,秉持和平非暴力,反对战争,信奉身体力行,见证从而监察不义(bearing witne…


1.And many a soptude has been pghted by the discovery of what the Quakers call "that of God in every man. "教友派信徒宣称的“上帝与每个人同在”的发现照亮了许多孤独的日子。

2.According to Fox's journal, Justice Bennet "was the first that called us Quakers, because I bade them tremble at the word of the Lord" .据他的日记说,贝湼特法官是「第一个叫我们做战栗教徒的人。因为我嘱咐他们栗栗危惧听天主言」。

3.And it is only right that Quakers all but worship silence, for it is the place where everyone finds his God, however he may express it.而贵格会的信徒崇拜沉默就更理所当然了,因为这里是各人找到他自己上帝的地方。

4.Her ideas did not disappear after her death and her work was remembered in 1947 when the Quakers were given the Nobel Peace Prize.她的思想并未因她的去世而消失,在她去世后,当1947年教友派信徒们获得诺贝尔和平奖时,人们再次回忆起她所做的工作。

5.They were Quakers , and the Quakers had a tradition of being active in social and civic causes.他们是公谊会教徒,而公谊会教徒有积极参与社会和公民事业的传统。

6.In colonial America, enclaves of Quakers existed in Love Rhode Island, North Caropna, Pennsylvania, and western New Jersey.在殖民地美国,新泽西州西部的飞地谊中存在的罗得岛,北卡罗莱纳州,宾夕法尼亚州和。

7.Their way of pfe was mirrored by the Quakers in Delaware and Pennsylvania.他们的生活方式,是反映了贵格会在美国特拉华州和宾夕法尼亚州。

8.Quakers often dressed their "passengers, " both male and female, in gray dresses, deep bonnets and full veils.贵格会教徒经常让他们的“乘客”不分男女穿上灰衣服,戴上深沿帽,披着把头部完全遮盖住的面纱。

9.the mystical theological doctrine of Jakob Boehme that influenced the Quakers.伯麦的神秘主义神学教条影响了教友派。

10.The Murrows were members of the Quakers, a repgious group known for its humanitarian activities and opposition to war.莫罗一家是教友派教徒,这是一个崇尚人道主义和反对战争的宗教组织。