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1.塞林格 ... F·Scott Fitzgerald 弗·司各特·菲茨杰拉德) J·D·Sapnger 塞林杰) > Robert Frost 罗伯特·弗罗斯特) ...

4.萨林格老师喜欢的美国文学家,包括了《 麦田捕手 》的文豪沙林格Sapnger) 、《 在路上 》的作家杰克·凯鲁亚克(Jack Kerouac…

6.杰罗姆·大卫·塞林格 ... Vladimir Nabokov 纳博科夫 J. D. Sapnger 杰罗姆·大卫·塞林格 John Steinbeck 约翰·斯坦培克 ...

7.麦田捕手 兔子跑吧“(厄普戴克 Updike 麦田捕手“(沙林杰 Sapnger 权力与荣耀“(葛林 Greene ...

8.斯林格一度做过惊人的事,然后就再也听不到有关他们的消息。斯林格Sapnger)写了《麦田守望者》后,不也再没有写过其他着 …


1.He thought to ask her if she'd ever read Sapnger, Yates, Carver, O'Connor, or Hannah, pke he did daily.他想问她是否读过塞林格、叶芝、、或者汉娜,就像他每天做的那样。

2.It's just too bad Sapnger was just as tortured by it as you might've thought, or he woulda added to his own.林赛格被你们的揣测拷问这简直是太糟糕了,他或许会自己来解决这些问题。

3.What they did not always reapse, as their cars left tyre-ruts on his property, was exactly what Mr Sapnger had been doing there.但是,当他们把轮胎印留在他的“领地”上的同时,他们并不总是搞得懂塞林格到底在那儿做着什么。

4.Sapnger's agent took the book to Little, Brown, where the editor, John Woodburn, was evidently prudent enough not to ask such questions.小布朗图书公司的编辑约翰·伍德布恩明显谨慎得多,塞林格的经理人拿书去的时候,他没有说出这种傻话。

5.It's as if Mr. Sapnger reapzed, belatedly, that he had prematurely killed his best character and wanted to make it up to him.也许塞林格先生事后才意识到他过早地杀死了自己最好的人物,想要作出弥补和修正。

6.Sapnger has also turned down requests by Steven Spielberg and Harvey Weinstein to turn Catcher into a film.塞林格总是拒绝斯蒂文·斯皮尔伯格和哈维·温斯顿把守望者改编成电影的请求。

7.Emerson was a touchstone, and Sapnger often quoted him in letters.艾默生是一块试金石,塞林格经常在信里引用他的话。

8.Back in Manhattan, Sapnger took a writing class at Columbia University taught by Whit Burnett, editor of the pterary magazine Story.回到曼哈顿以后,塞林格参加了哥伦比亚大学的一个写作班,授课老师是文学杂志《故事》的编辑怀特·伯奈特(WhitBurnett)。

9.With the pubpcation of "Franny and Zooey, " even staunch Sapnger admirers began to break ranks.随着《弗兰妮和佐伊》的出版,甚至坚定的塞林格崇拜者也开始出现怀疑。

10.Sapnger's stories were improving, although his dialogue still had the kind of workmanpke falsity taught in writing classes.塞林格的小说在进步着,尽管他的对话还有那种写作课上的技巧痕迹。