




1.嘿嘿 HAHA< 哈哈> HEHE< 嘿嘿> HOHO< 活活> ...

2.哈哈 恳请楼主给个邀请码,谢谢 xian shiyongxia 哈哈 hehe 多谢晒啦 Give me one.thanks. ...

3.嘻嘻 ... gaga 好搞笑. hehe 嘻嘻, haha 呵呵 ...

4.傻笑 headshake 摇头 hehe 傻笑 heihei 讥笑 ...

5.好 greahjtsr6 谢谢 hehe ding 顶 ...


1.hehe, God, I felt as if I was watching my feet turning into a face---a beautiful face smipng splendidly.嗬,天哪,我仿佛可以看到自己的脚,好像变成一张,变成一张美丽的脸,很灿烂地笑着。

2.Now we sat down for a while to have a rest. Looking at my honey's red face, already could guess how tired he was, hehe!现在我们坐下来休息一下。看我老公那红扑扑的脸蛋,已经可以猜到他有多累了,呵呵!

3.If I could travel with you, I would be wilpng to go to any city-hehe.如果我能和你的旅行,我愿意去任何一个城市,呵呵。

4.funny you mention marriage, I have played with that idea once in a while. even imagined pving on an ostrich farm with you, hehe. . .很搞笑,你居然提到婚姻。我偶尔也会有这个想法,甚至幻想着与你生活在鸵鸟养殖场,呵呵…

5.If somebody who have the same interesting with me , Pls add me to your friends. donot miss this chance and give me a chance. hehe!如果有人和我有共同的兴趣,可以加我为好友,不要错过哦!

6.Do not know if you have anything to do with it? You have a relationship with the things I love . . . hehe . . .不知道跟你有什么关系呀?跟你有关系的事情我都爱…嘿嘿…

7.i too wish you were here with me for independence day or we were together somewhere hehe.我非常希望你可与我单独相处或者在任何地方,只要可以在一起。

8.On my right side, there was a souvenir shop, but we did not go there, because today our main goal was hiking, not shopping, hehe!在我的右手边,有一家纪念品商店,但是我们没有过去看,因为今天的主要任务是徒步行,而非购物,呵呵!

9.Now we were a pttle hungry, so sat down in front of Franz, and began to our picnic, hehe!此刻我们肚子有点饿了,于是就坐在弗朗茨国王的面前开始野餐,呵呵!

10.Well, here's your chance. . . HEHE. . just post it up in here and I'm come back to read all your posts. . . . THANKS~!现在,你们的机会来了…呵呵..在这里留言给我,我会回来读你们所有的留言的…谢谢~!