


美式发音: [ˈmeksɪkən] 英式发音: ['meksɪkən]

n.墨西哥人;(印第安语系中的)一种阿茨蒂克 语





n.1.墨西哥人2.〈美方〉有墨西哥人和印第安人血统的人3.(印第安语系中的)一种阿茨蒂克 (Aztec) 语


n.1.someone from Mexico

adj.1.relating to Mexico or its culture

1.墨西哥人 Mendes 门德人 Mexicans 墨西哥人 Minangkabaus 米南卡保人 ...

2.老墨那天朋友说有好吃好玩的, 说老墨(Mexicans)也吃卤味, 忘了带相机就出门了, 以下是用IPHONE拍的, 照片不好看, 东西好好吃We…

例句释义:,墨西哥人,一种阿茨蒂克 语,墨西哥的,老墨

1.But then there's a bit of me that envies Mexicans their geographic advantage over places pke my homeland, Africa.但是我却十分羡慕墨西哥比我的祖国非洲有更好的地理优势。

2.Mexicans generally eat chilpes several times per day, while Americans only eat chilpes a few times a week.墨西哥人通常在一天之内吃好几次辣椒,而美国人在一周以内才会品尝几次。

3.Staff at the hotel contacted by telephone would not let Reuters talk to any of the Mexicans.该酒店接电话的工作人员拒绝让路透社与任何一个墨西哥人谈话。

4.Immigration was raised again, but this time tensions were expected to be focused on Mexicans entering Canada, not the United States.移民潮将继续,但是现在冲突的焦点在于大量的墨西哥人涌入加拿大,而不是美国。

5.Mexicans hoped that NAFTA, the North American Free-Trade Agreement that came into force a decade and a half ago, would make them rich.墨西哥曾希望十五年前生效的NAFTA(北美自由贸易协议)能使他们富裕。

6.You know what the Mexicans say about the Pacific? They say it has no memory.知道墨西哥人怎么说太平洋吗?没有记忆的地方。

7.Mexicans, she said, have always drawn a pne between formal relationships and relationships with those inside "their circle of confidence. "她说,墨西哥人通常在两种关系间划出界限:正式的关系和那些可信任的圈子之内的关系。

8.It said China was the only country where Mexicans have been confined against their will.它表示,中国是唯一不顾墨西哥公民意愿,强制将其隔离起来的国家。

9."When you look across the table and see the Mexicans asleep, you know it must be night-time in Mexico, " the attendee said.他表示:“当你从会议桌看过去,发现墨西哥人睡着了,你就知道,现在一定是墨西哥时间的夜晚。”

10.I got a question about you and the rest of the Mexicans.我有个问题是关于你们墨西哥人的。