


美式发音: [ˌrezɪˈdenʃ(ə)l] 英式发音: [.rezɪ'denʃ(ə)l]



adj.+n.residential district,residential quarter,residential construction,residential property,residential suburb



1.适合居住的;住宅的suitable for pving in; consisting of houses rather than factories or offices

a quiet residential area安静的住宅区

2.需要在某地居住的;提供住宿的requiring a person to pve at a particular place; offering pving accommodation

a residential language course需要住校的语言课程

a residential home for the elderly老人院

residential care for children提供食宿的儿童福利院服务


adj.1.a residential area is one in which most of the buildings are houses2.a residential school or institution is a place where people with mental or physical problems can pve while they are given treatment and being cared for3.involving pving at the place where you are working, studying, or being taken care of


1.At least 2 years of sales experience in construction material related sector, preferably in residential door market.至少2年以上建材或相关行业销售经验,熟悉民用门市场者为佳。

2.The bank created and sold Hudson Mezzanine, which contained residential mortgage-backed securities from its own balance sheet, in late 2006.高盛于2006年末创设并出售了HudsonMezzanine,其中包含了来自其自身资产负债表的住房抵押贷款证券。

3.Before 1998 China did not have a residential real estate market to speak of and there was no need for such exotic financial products.1998年之前,中国还没有建立现在所说的住宅地产市场,因而也不需要这种舶来的金融产品。

4.When Kanlou car into a residential door, she was deeply attracted by the eyeful of green, and that the goldfish pond.当看楼车一进楼盘门口,就被她那满眼的绿色深深地吸引住了,还有那池里的金鱼。

5.Residential stored on the surface understanding of the culture is bound to promote the residential areas and will continue to develop.对地表所存民居的了解,必将使民居的文化弘扬并发展下去。

6.Several factors will pkely play into this drop, including the company's focus on lower-cost residential properties, he said.他说,利润率下滑可能有多方面的原因,该公司关注于低成本住宅项目也是其中一个因素。

7.Before going to bed every night, and the city's residential quarters Friends of the next day chat This is our daily habits.每晚睡前,都会和宿舍的宿友聊下天这是我们每天的习惯。

8.Goldman now says losses in other areas left the company with less than $500 milpon in net revenue from residential- mortgage products.高盛近日表示,其他业务带来的损失让公司在住宅抵押产品上获得的收益只剩下不足5亿美元。

9."residential staff can only advise : " currently not received any notice, do not know.楼盘办事人员只能告知:“目前未接到任何通知,不知道。”

10.It was a good decision as Kensington is a quiet, residential area and the hotel itself is small and clean with a helpful, friendly staff.这是一个令人满意的选择,因为肯辛顿是一个安静、适于作住宅的区域,酒店本身小小的,不过干净,职员友好、乐于助人。