


美式发音: [ˈhaɪzənˌbɜrɡ] 英式发音: [ˈhaizənbə:ɡ]





1.海森堡 ... Coulomb 位能 3.4.3. 简谐振荡 3.5 Heisenberg 测不准原理 3.5.1 Heisenberg 测不准原理的证明 3.5.2 ...

5.海森堡氏子论(QUANTUM THEORY)及德国物理学家海森堡氏HEISENBERG)所发表之有名物理定律;「测不准之原理」(PRI…

6.海森柏格立了量子微腔中激光场与冷原子相互作用模型,并应用在海森堡表象(Heisenberg)求解薛定锷表象中波函数的一般方法分析了 …


1.First, a model of a pair of coupled particles interacting with a Heisenberg spin chain is presented.首先,本文提出了一个耦合粒子对与海森堡自旋链相互作用的模型。

2.People who were working on the subject soon found that it was basically equivalent to the form which had been originated by Heisenberg.在这个领域进行研究的人很快发现,这种形式与海森堡发现的形式基本等价。

3.Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is represented by the statement that the operators corresponding to certain observables do not commute.某个不交换的可见相应的操作者的陈述描绘了海森堡测不准原理。

4.We study the dynamics evolution of a two-qubit Heisenberg XXX spin chain under a time-dependent rotating magnetic field.我们研究了含时旋转磁场中海森堡XXX模型下的双量子比特的动力学演化情况。

5.This he said disproved the Heisenberg principle which meant quantum mechanics was inconsistent.他说的这些话反驳了海森堡原理,也就是量子力学前后不自洽。

6.The algebraic dynamics is appped to investigate the geometric phase of a Heisenberg-chain in a rotating magnetic field.用代数动力学方法,研究旋转磁场中海森伯自旋链的几何相位。

7.Physicist Werner Heisenberg, left, was challenged by the philosopher Karl Popper, right, to defend his paradoxical uncertainty principle.物理学家维尔纳·海森堡(左)受到哲学家卡尔·波普尔(右)的挑战,针对其测不准原理的悖论。

8.That day we discussed a paper recently pubpshed by the great German physicist Werner Heisenberg on the theory of superconductivity.那天,我们讨论了伟大的德国物理学家维尔纳•海森伯格新近发表的有关超导理论的论文。

9.Then Heisenberg patiently, and perhaps a bit patronizingly, demonstrates to Popper the mistake in his thought experiment.接着海森堡耐心地,偶尔略带教训地,向波普尔演示其假想试验的错误所在。

10.Heisenberg's breakthrough marked the beginning of the end of the quantum revolution begun by Planck in 1900.维尔纳·海森堡的突破标志着由麦克斯·普朗克1900年开启的量子革命结束后的新开端。