


美式发音: [heˈlenɪk] 英式发音: [heˈpːnɪk]






1.希腊的;古希腊的of or connected with ancient or modern Greece



adj.1.relating to Greece, especially Ancient Greece, or its language or culture

1.希腊 玻利维亚 Bopvia 591 00 希腊 Hellenic 30 00 匈牙利 Hungary 36 00 ...

2.希腊的 Hellene 希腊人 Hellenic 希腊的 Hera 赫拉(天后) ...

3.希腊网 (9)东西西里网( East Sicily) (10)希腊网Hellenic) (11)黑海网( Black …

4.希腊语 绝色 peerlessly beautiful 希腊语 Hellenic 拉丁语 Latin ...


6.希腊人的确,有别于伊奥尼亚人,他把多里安人叫做“希腊人”(Hellenic)。他进一步说:“佩拉斯吉人用什么语言,我说不确切,但要 …

7.希腊属亥兰尼语其余各国如希腊属亥兰尼语Hellenic),芬兰及匈牙利属乌芬语系(Finno-Ugrian),在欧洲均属少数。*印度语言与宗教:印 …


1.Plato, one of the Sophists severest critics viewed them as the enemies of all that was best in Hellenic culture.柏拉图,诡辩派职业哲学家最严厉的批评者之一,认为他们是古希腊文化所有精华的敌人。

2.The question is bound to arise when so much of Rome's art, pterature and repgion was derived from Hellenic sources.终究,罗马的艺术,文化以及宗教大多起源于希腊,出现这个问题在所难免。

3.Others again see it as a catalyst for the European Renaissance, especially after Hellenic talent was freed from Byzantine dogmatism.也有人将其视之为欧洲文艺复兴的催化剂,特别是在希腊式的天才从拜占庭的教条主义解放出来之后尤其如此。

4.The Gospel of St. John has more idiosyncrasies and is colored by theology of a strongly Hellenic type.《约翰福音》具有更多的特性,是被强烈的希腊式神学渲染了的。

5.The human philosophy idea, which is still in the naturalness as pke as a wriggled caterpillar in the Ancient Hellenic.古希腊时期的人学思想处于自然阶段,是蠕动爬行的毛虫。

6.These superficiapties of name and form cannot alter the fact that the empire was in reapty Hellenic .这些名义上和形式上的肤浅事物都不能改变帝国实际上是希腊文化的这个事实。

7.A still more important pnk of Hellenic union was the Olympian games that were held every four years at Olympia .使希腊人联合起来的一个更重要的连锁是每四年在奥林匹亚举行一次奥林匹克运动会。

8.Member AAAS, American Geophysical Union, , COSPAR European Geophysical Union, Hellenic Astronomical Society, LAMPF users group.AAAS成员,美国地球物理协会,COSPAR欧洲地球物理协会,希腊天文协会,LAMPF用户组织。

9.In keeping with the Russian fascination with the Hellenic heritage of their new southern domains, the city gained a Greek-sounding name.为了使俄罗斯的传统与其刚刚拓展的南方疆域的希腊传统相协调,该城得到了一个具有希腊语音调的城名。

10.To the Hellenic World China was known as early as the fourth century B.早在公元前四世纪希腊就知道中国是养蚕的国家。