



美式发音: [ˈpɪɡˌteɪl] 英式发音: 






n.1.a length of hair formed by twisting three separate lengths of hair over each other, worn either behind or at the sides of the head2.a short length of flexible electrical cable or wire, usually braided, connecting two terminals

1.小发辫 ) My God,how I Iove 天啊 我多么的爱! ) Pigtails 小发辫 ) Extraterrestrial friend 外星朋友 ...

2.尾纤 hearings 听证会 pigtails 马尾辫,辫子 plaited hair 编起来的头发 ...

5.两根辫子 ... dimple 酒窝 pigtails 两根辫子 goatee 山羊胡 ...

6.小发辫作曲 ... ) My God,how I Iove 天啊 我多么的爱!作曲: ) Pigtails 小发辫作曲: ) Extraterrestrial friend 外星朋友作曲: ...


1.And, of course, there was Britney Spears, aged 16, prancing around in school uniform and pigtails in her first music video.当然,还有布兰妮·斯皮尔斯(BritneySpears),16岁时的她留着长辫子,穿着校服,欢蹦乱跳地出现在她的首个音乐录像中。

2.If all that foreigners knew about China were pigtails and bound feet, I'd feel angry--but saddened even more!如果说,外国人对于中国的认识只停留在扎辫子、裹小脚,那我的感觉不仅是生气,更是悲哀!

3.My mother told tales of the boys in her class dipping the pigtails of the girls sitting in front of them into the ink in those inkwells.我妈妈在故事里讲到,说她课堂上的男孩子们有时会把前排女生的辫子放到墨水池里。

4.Due to the hot weather, they eventually ended this terribly unexciting pigtails-yanking battle in a draw.最终由于天气太热,两人决定以平手结束这场很不精彩的打斗。

5.The nuptials at this ceremony were led by "I-Fairy, " a 4-foot (1. 5-meter) tall seated robot with flashing eyes and plastic pigtails.上周日的这场婚礼由名叫“爱精灵”的坐式机器人主持。机器人身高4英尺(1.5米)、眼睛闪闪发光,梳着塑料辫子。

6.Keep the insulation in place around the adjacent pigtails so that they are kept hot and protect the crimping crew from the radiant heat.保持绝缘的地方绕着附近的发辫儿,这样他们被放置在炎热和保护卷曲船员不被热辐射。

7.China can't always have pigtails and bound feet, and that level of backwardness be considered normal.中国人不可能总是留辫子和裹小脚,中国是不断向前发展的。

8.Ignore the pigtails. I was more nai've back then.无视那根小辫子,我那时很傻很天真。

9.The bonus is that you also get the occasional super hot goth chick in a corset and pigtails. That will brighten your day.很可能你会因此获得穿着束身衣,带着小尾巴的超辣靓女的青睐。自此你的晦气将一扫而光。

10.Right now maybe the pttle girl with the pigtails was out there.此时此刻,也许那个扎着辫子的小姑娘就在那里。