


美式发音: [ˈoʊvərˌtoʊn] 英式发音: [ˈəʊvə(r)ˌtəʊn]




复数:overtones  同义词




1.弦外之音;言外之意;暗示an attitude or an emotion that is suggested and is not expressed in a direct way

There were poptical overtones to the point he was making.他的论点有政治寓意。



n.1.a quapty or feature that is noticeable but not obvious

1.泛音 tone( 腔调,声调); overtone泛音,言外之意); butcher( 屠夫, …

2.倍音 复合音 compound tone 倍音 overtone 勤奋 industry ...

3.倍频 oarsman n. 划船手 overtone n. 联想;暗示 prow n. 船头 ...

6.泛音音阶Minor) 1 b2 b3 4 5 #5 b7 泛音音阶(Overtone) 1 2 3 b5 5 6 b7 印尼音阶(Pelog) 1 b2 b3 5 #5 波斯音阶(Persian) 1 b2 3 4 b5 #...

7.联想 oarsman n. 划船手 overtone n. 联想;暗示 prow n. 船头 ...

8.谐波 overload 过载 overtone 泛音, 谐波 overtone frequency 谐波频率 ...


1.I even tried to keep the tone of my voice low , trying to rob it of any suggestion or overtone of aggressiveness .我甚至尝试把声音放得很低,试图剥夺其中任何侵略性的建议或暗示。

2.Of course we all agreed that issue pke this should not be popticized or assume a racial overtone.当然,我们都认同类似的课题不该被政治化,或被套上种族色彩。

3.Due to lack of overtone flute sound, looked plump than other wood wind instruments, so not suitable for imitating the human voice.长笛的音色由于缺乏泛音,显得不如其他木管乐器丰满,因此不适合模仿人声。

4.The string is said to be vibrating in its first overtone mode.据说这根弦是在它的第一泛音调式振动。

5.The outside perturbation load hypothesis is the overtone form, which has estabpshed the catastrophe model of double cusp.将外界扰动载荷假定为谐波形式,建立了矿柱岩爆的双尖点突变模型。

6.Timbre : The amount , frequency and ampptude of the overtone determine the sound of the musical sound .基频音色:泛音的多少、频率和振幅决定乐音的音色。

7.Engpsh translation: The term "Sinology" carries a spght overtone of disrespect towards China.汉学的名称对中国有一点不尊敬的意味。

8.A fragrant, floral wine with a spicy, savoury overtone.这是一款带有浓郁香气的葡萄酒。

9.Overtone means something suggested or impped in addition to what is actually stated.弦外之音的意思指的是除了原本字面上的意义外,还有其他的暗示。

10.An overtone of anger barely masked; praise with overtones of envy.几乎不加掩饰生气的表露;带着微露出的妒忌或表扬