



美式发音: [ˈhelpər] 英式发音: [ˈhelpə(r)]



复数:helpers  同义词




n.1.someone who helps a person or organization, especially without payment

1.辅助物体 1.5.2 Trajectories( 轨迹) Helpers( 辅助工具) 1.2.1 Geormetry( 几何体) ...

3.帮助物体 Speckle( 斑纹) Helpers( 帮助物体) . Stucco( 泥灰) ...

4.帮助物体工具栏 Motion( 运动命令面板) Helpers( 帮助物体工具栏) Display( 显示命令面板) ...

5.助手 Cameras( 摄像机)、 Helpers辅助对象)、 Space Warps( 空间变形)、 ...

8.辅助函数使用辅助函数(helpers)相当的简单,就像调用一个静态的方法,整个类则会自动加载。 echo url::base(); echo html::breadcrumb…


1.These helpers make your work a whole lot easier in trying to conform to a DTD (or in developing one).这些帮助程序让您在尝试遵循DTD(或开发DTD)时更容易。

2.All that really needs to be done is to implement detailed plans, and with a bit of luck you can entrust this process to skilled helpers.所有真正需要完成的事就是执行好计划的细节,你将好运地委托一些熟悉这些进程的人帮你。

3.Rails helpers, similar to the helper you see in Listing 8, make it easy to simppfy and reuse portions of views.Rails的helpers,类似于清单8中的帮助器,使简化和重用视图结构变得简单。

4.Joey: Ah, I'm gonna be one of his helpers. It's just such a slap in the face, y'know?啊,我将会扮演他的一个助手,这简直是当头一棒,你们明白么?

5.Your Helpers are with you to ensure that you complete any experience in accordance with your pfe plan, and they carry out the Will of God.你的导师们都在跟随你,并确保你完成了什么经验符合你的人生计划,按照造物的旨意。

6.In the prophecies, the two helpers are designated by the Hopi word for "population, " as if they were large groups of people.在预言里,两位助手用霍皮人的话指定为“人口”,好象他们是大群的人。

7.Working together so closely, even for just a few weeks, the helpers at our camp become really good friends.大家在一起密切合作,甚至可能只有仅仅几个星期,我们这个夏令营中的很多来帮助的人都成为了很好的朋友。

8.When she had to move downstairs, my retired brother moved in upstairs, found helpers and cared for her.当她必须搬到楼下时,我退了休的哥哥搬到了楼上,找人照顾她。

9.It was the first of many patents the company would seek for animated helpers.这是第一次有公司注册这多关于动画助手的专利。

10.Not all friends will be able to help but those who truly understand the material will probably be better helpers than parents.当然并不是每个孩子都能帮得上别人的忙,但就他们对所学习知识的真正了解,父母是无法同他们相比的。